Legal Questions and Answers
Who is Eligible for Drug Court in Illinois?
If you have a criminal history , can you still qualify for drug court?
03/16/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Illinois | #21418How Do I Change a Name on a Birth Certificate Issued From a U.S. Consulate??
I am Hispanic. My son was born in Italy when I was stationed there. His name is Andros Torres Ramos (Torres and Ramos are his last names) but his birth certificate which was issued by the US Consulate in Milan states his last name is Torres Negron (which is my last name; Torres from father and Negron from my mother). I was told this could not be fixed because is an Italian l...
03/16/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Florida | #21417How Do I Appeal a Small Claims Default Judgment?
I need to make an Appeal at small claims court. I have until the 19th to do this I need Help. I have called several Layers No luck. I was Ill on court date and In Atlanta Have Dr. Note. Some one Please Help Me.
03/16/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Texas | #21416How Do I Respond to a Creditor's Complaint?
I have been served to appear in court for the purpose of paying a disputed amount of money to a creditor. I have documents that are requiring a motion or answer.
03/16/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Oregon | #21414Can I Change My Mind About Buying a Car a Few Days Later and Get My Money Back?
The past Saturday, we were at a car dealer to test drive and try to buy a new minivan. They don't have the one we want in stock, the sales person said they can find one for us. He told us to make a deposit $1000 to lock the price we agree to. My question is I don't want to buy the minivan anymore; can I get my deposit back from them?
03/16/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Texas | #21411Am I Required to Appear at a Deposition After Not Paying a Judgment Against Me?
Florida, My mother is a minister, she living off of donation of our bible school, she has no salary, no assets. HSBC obtained a judgement for a credit card last year. A request was sent to her by mail for deposition upon oral exam. Does she have to appear? The collection attorneys also sent a Fact Information Sheet. What options does she have?
03/15/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Florida | #21408Can a Deficiency Juudgment Be Obtained in a Massachusetts Foreclosure?
You say that California has an anti-deficiency statute. A comment from a 'Massachusets user' says ' I can sleep better tonight.' But, does Mass. have the anti-def like Calif??
03/15/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Arizona | #21407Do I Needto File Anything in My State if I Incorporate in Another State?
I am about to start my own technology consulting firm, and I am considering incorporating in Nevada instead of Calif. Do I have to file any add'l forms to do business in Calif, as that is where the work is right now.
03/15/2010 | Category: Corporations » Foreign Corp... | State: California | #21405How Do I Transfer Property from a Deceased to a Beneficiary?
what deed form to transfer property from a deceased parent to a beneficiary
03/15/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Pennsylvania | #21401Am I Liable for an Accident Involving a Car Hitting a Cow in the Road in Texas?
My son hit a cow in the road. Is the animal owner responsible for the damages to his vehicle? It was on FM 543 in Texas. I have been holding off contacting my insurance co. I now have the name of the animal owner. The cow had a brand on it and was identified by animal control. I need to find out if the land owner is responsible for my damages.
03/15/2010 | Category: Animals | State: Texas | #21400