Legal Questions and Answers
What is the Waiting Period to Get a Divorce or Separation in Arizona?
What is the waiting period before an uncontested without children divorce can be finalized? Is there a waiting period for a Legal Separation?
03/17/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Arizona | #21435Can I Sell Real Property in North Carolina Without Changing the Deed if the Owner is Deceased?
I need help in locating a form to sell land in North Carolina. This land is recorded in my wife's father's name. The problem is that he has been deceased since 1991. The land ownership then went to her mother. Her mother never changed the name on the deed. Every year she just paid the property tax. When she fell ill to Alzheimer's Disease my wife and I started paying the proper...
03/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Mississippi | #21434How Are Homestead Rights Lost in Mississippi?
my farm was homesteaded by my grandpa, when my mother died they started charging me taxes even tho my baby sister stilloccupies the property. what terms end the homestead exemption in Ms?
03/17/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Mississippi | #21433How Do I Dissolve a Marriage in Arizona that's Two Days Old?
Married two days ago and want to dissolve marriage,we both agree to dissolve marriage, what are the options?
03/17/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Arizona | #21430Can a Creditor Attach My Assets in a LLC?
I have a judgement for 2,000.00 against me. Its pushed me to file bankruptcy. I know they can freeze bank accounts and garnish my wages. My question is can they freeze my llc partnership I have with my brother and family? We just started this company. My name is on the account. However its my family's money not mine. Can they come after it?
03/17/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Oregon | #21429Can A Minor in Possession Charge in Florida be Expunged?
My 16 year old son received an MIP ticket while in Florida with another family. We were not there. we live in Houston. Can we get the ticket off his record. Will this affect college applications? He received the MIP for having an energy drink called Juice.
03/17/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Florida | #21427What Can the City Do to My Dog for Biting Another Dog on My Property?
My dog bit another dog on my property. Two days later, the animal warder came and took my dog out of house to the shelter until a court date cold be set. The animal warden did not have any legal papers when she took my dog by force out of my front door. My wife answered the door and the warden put her safety stick on my dog and pulled him out of my house. I was at work but tal...
03/17/2010 | Category: Animals | State: Virginia | #21422Can a Lender Still Collect After a Cancellation of Debt and 1099 Was Given?
I lost my home in Calif. to foreclosure in 2008 and received a 'Cancellation of debt' and the 1099 stating the cancellation amount from the mortgage co. , the property was sold sometime in late 2009. Yesterday I received in the mail a notice that the my old mortgage co. had sold my old account to another firm in Texas and they are trying to collect on the old loan. Can they d...
03/16/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #21421Does Iowa Allow Automatic Renewal Clauses in Commercial Property Leases?
Can you tell me if Iowa governs automatic lease renewals on commercial property.I have a lease that expires on April 1st 2010 that I want to get out of. The original lease has in it that it automatically renews unless I notified them 90 days prior that I didn't want to exercise option. Can i get out of this lease if so why.
03/16/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Illinois | #21420Can An Employer be Sued for Failure to Pay payroll Taxes?
03/16/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Indiana | #21419