Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Find an Attorney in New Mexico to Sue a Prison?
i need a lawyer in new mwxico for my son that has filed a tort claim against guadalupe county correctional facility
03/23/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New Mexico | #21514Can I Split a Claim Into Multiple Claims to Have Jurisdiction in Small Claims Court?
Can a separate breech of contract claim be filed in small claims court for each instance of a company not paying an approved & billed invoice. Each invoice clearly covers a different time period with different work carried out and detailed. However, the work was done under a single consulting contract between my professional corporation (Plaintiff) and an LLC (Defendant). Plai...
03/23/2010 | Category: Small Claims | State: California | #21512How Do I Stop Someone from Spying on Me?
Someone is spying on me. Stop them.
03/23/2010 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: California | #21510How Much Does it Cost to Establish Paternity in Kansas?
My son's mom and I split up 4 years ago. We were never married. Since we separated, my son has lived with me full time. It has always been an agreement between his mom and myself. I want to get something in writing to make it legal. She said as long as I don't go for child support that she will sign an agreement. I talked to a lawyer and he wanted $1000 up front just to get sta...
03/22/2010 | Category: Paternity | State: Kansas | #21499How Do I Protect My Home From Creditor Claims in Massachusetts?
I want sign up' dwelling law ' law that protect my property from suing.What should I must do?
03/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Massachusetts | #21498How Do i Terminate the Parental Rights of an Incarcerated Parent in Missouri?
I live in Missouri. My ex-husband is incarcerated due to a feloney (sexual assault charge against a minor while he was on duty). I am wanting to get his parental rights of our three small children terminated. How do I go about doing that?
03/22/2010 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Missouri | #21491How Do I Buy a LLC and Use Another Business Name in Nebraska?
I am interested in buying a business which is a LLC. They do work for a national company and I am interested in doing this kind of work. I would be basically paying for a lead, and I want to operate under my own name and not theirs. What are the steps and liabilities in doing something like this? Your help is greatly appreciated.
03/22/2010 | Category: LLC | State: Nebraska | #21489How Do I Expunge a Shoplifting Record in Texas?
I was arrested for shop lifting did community service and probation and fine would like the record sealed from the public (non disclosure) is there a form and can you do that?
03/22/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Texas | #21488Who is Responsible for Damage Caused by a Boundary Line Tree?
I live in Georgia and own a rental house that has a tree that is 3/4 on our property and 1/4 on the neighbor's property. The tree was there when I bought the house and there when he bough his house. He is saying the roots which we can't see have damaged his driveway and fence. The tree has actually grew into his fence. He has lived there over five years and said nothing abo...
03/22/2010 | Category: Trees | State: Georgia | #21473How Do I Get Relief from A Conviction Due to the lawyer Doing a Poor Job on My Case?
If someone is a first time offender and have a aggravated robbery charge, and the attorney didn't do anything to defend that person and offer that person 15 years with 5 to serve and 10 suspended, but the get in front of the judge and change everything and tell his client that if he she don't take the 10 years they would get 40-life. what can be done about that? when he did't g...
03/22/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Arkansas | #21471