Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Resolve Conflicting Property Descriptions in a Deed and Plat Map
The property descriptions (i.e., direction bearings and distances) from my Warranty Deed, the County Deed Book, Surveyor Plat Map description, and County Road descriptions up to my property are significantly inconsistent. I have title insurance for the property but I need directions as to how to resolve these differences. What are the proper sequences of contacts or actions?
03/28/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Tennessee | #21565How Do You Find The Value of a Car for Sale?
what do you use to find the value of a vehicle, auto auction, trade in or retail?
03/28/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: Florida | #21564What Court Do I File a Complaint in for Property Damage by a Utility Company?
I am requesting information for my son who lives in Tampa.He is in a quandry with the local electric provider concerning destruction of his property by one of their power poles.The pole fell on his vehicle while it was parked in his space at his apartment. The electric company is only willing to pay the minimum 'blue book' amount for the total destruction of his vehicle. This w...
03/28/2010 | Category: Venue | State: Texas | #21563What Damages Can I Collect for Workplace Harassment?
Have been w/ company for 20 years. Reported new manager to HR and Ethics Dept. because he had not paid hourly people overtime, but comp. time. He wanted me to do the same. Have been retaliated by him for 4 months. Company said they investigated claim of OT, but found out they did not. Company never addressed retaliation issue until now. What would be a fair settlement packag...
03/27/2010 | Category: Damages | State: Illinois | #21562What type of forms are used as court pleadings in foreclosure in Washington?
What form is used to file a formal court pleading?
03/26/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Washington | #21559What are the implications if my legally separated wife and I reconcile?
My wife and I live in North Carolina. We are legally separated however we wish to get back together. Do we have to file some other form to reverse the separation agreement? Can we file our tax return jointly if we are back together before the tax deadline? If we get back together and it doesn't work out does the original separation agreement still stand and only the waiting per...
03/26/2010 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: North Carolina | #21557May I practice as a psychologist and get 501(c)(3) status through a non-profit company I own?
I am a practicing psychologist for a public school district with a EdS M.A. plus 30. I am wondering if I would be able to offer the same services I do now under a recently formed non-profit 501 C3 that I just received from the IRS????thank-you!hrelandt@sbcglobal.net248.652.0832
03/26/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Michigan | #21550If I want to loan my friend money, how do I guaranty I am repaid with a promissory note?
I am going to lend a friend $16,500.00 to save her house from foreclosure..I need some kind of a promissory note, IOU or whatever you feel is the right document to guarantee the return of my money.
03/25/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: New York | #21549How Do I Prove a Product Liability Claim for a Defective Tire That Blew Out?
I recently had a tire 'blow out on the Freeway. Upon inspection of the tire at the shop it was noted that the tire completly unravelled and twisted around my rear break system near causing brake failure. I had a tire specialist look at the tire and he said he had never seen this in 40 years of working with Tires. I have a hugh bill to pay on a tire that is less than 4 years ol...
03/25/2010 | Category: Warranties | State: Nevada | #21547How Do I Appeal an Administrative Ruling Suspending My Driving License?
What should be the form and content of a proposed order requested by a circuit court judge after an Administrative Review? The Review dealt with an Administrative Hearing which resulted in the suspension of driving privileges. I want this suspension to be removed.
03/24/2010 | Category: Courts » Pleadings | State: Illinois | #21534