Legal Questions and Answers
What Can I Do if A Co-Worker Assults Me and Causes Me to Quit my Job?
I was physically cornered by a man at work who was angry because I walked on a dry floor that had been stripped. I was in fear for my safety and very definitely expected an imminent physical attack. I had no way of escaping the situation physically. I resigned my job due to the fact that my return to work could possibly place me in further danger. I am a 75 year old man with...
03/21/2010 | Category: Criminal » Assault | State: Colorado | #21469Can a Customer Pursue Further Damages from a Sale if Her Money is Returned?
We are a telemarketing co. in Fl Due to the nature of our business we have charge back. We have a customer who got their money returned. The individual has sent us a summons from her hometown stating she is pursuing a claim for lack of services?By law we obeyed what our merchant services told us.They refunded her money!How can she followup with a summons?
03/20/2010 | Category: Damages | State: Florida | #21467How Do I Stop My Ex-Husband from Slandering me on the Internet?
What constitutes slander in Colorado? My ex husband is making slanderous and/or libelous statements about myself and himself in a public forum on the internet. What legal recourse do I have?
03/20/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Colorado | #21465How Do I Sell the House of My Deceased Mother in Indiana?
Our Mother just passed away and left her house to the kids. Its free and clear and we have a buyer who want to pay cash for it. Everyone agrees on her will ,so what kind of probate do we have to go through to sell this if any in the state of Indiana?
03/19/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Michigan | #21464Is there a form for us to give our clients to acknowledge that we have access to their servers, work stations, etc.?
We are a CPA firm that frequently takes remote control of client computers to perform accounting services. For many clients we also have remote access to servers and workstations at any time to perform requested services. We need to find out if there is a legal form we can have clients sign acknowledging that they are aware that we have access and that they are ok with it.
03/19/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Utah | #21462My daughter has been given a possible 5 day suspension at school.
My daughter has been given a possible 5 day suspension with a threat of expolsion for bringing a knife to school, She brought it because they were doing a French project & the teacher asked thme to bring in 'utensils' to prepare the food. The day of the event the principal saw my daughter with the knife & the fruit, took the knife & escortef her to the French classroom. He ga...
03/19/2010 | Category: Schools | State: Pennsylvania | #21461I am considering divorce and would like to know if I'm entitled to monetary reimbursement or half the company?
My husband and I have been married 24 years. We established a business together 14 years ago. I, however, am not listed as an owner, but an officer in the company. I am considering divorce and would like to know if I'm entitled to monetary reimbursement or half the company?
03/19/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Georgia | #21460What kind of financial liability and responsibility will I be exposing myself to if I accept a treasurer position?
I have been asked to serve as Corporate Secretary/Treasurer for the company I work for. The company is privately owned with only one stockholder. I do not own nor will I ever own any of the stock. This company is experiencing financial hardships due to the current economic woes. The company has gotten behind on Form 941 payroll taxes and is currently under a payment plan wi...
03/19/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Mississippi | #21459Who pays all the extras costs when buying property from a builder in New York?
I bought a condo in 2006. During closing I had to pay to the builder $9.503.38 for Onsite Sales Marketing + another $2.100.00 for seller's attorney, residential warranty etc. Is it the buyer who has to pay all the fees mentioned above.
03/19/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: New York | #21458What rights to I have under a power of attorney when the person dies?
A year in a half ago my uncle was hospitalized because he had a stroke. His brothers are miles away so they appointed me power of attorney. My uncle's condition had gotten worse and he was admitted into a nursing home. He passed away a month later, leaving behind a house, car, and stocks and bonds. His brothers are not looking after his home and I promised my uncle I would watc...
03/19/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Pennsylvania | #21452