Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Complete a Certificate of Service in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
How do I complete the Proof of service form in a chapter 7 - what goes in there and how do I execute it? Who signs it and where does it get sent to and how?
03/14/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: California | #21387Can a Housing Development Have Different Setback Requirements for Different Homes?
I own property in a 'Lake community'. The back line setback for lakeside homes is 50' but for non lakeside homes it is only 20'. The more restrictive zoning on lakefront homes stops my ability to enjoy water related activies such as covering a deck or building a dockside bar. Can they have two different back line setback requirements for the same community?
03/14/2010 | Category: Zoning | State: Ohio | #21386What Can I Do if My property Encroaches on the Neighboring Property?
My mom has been living on her property for at least 30 yrs or better. Her neighbor gave her a small portion of his property to make her carport wider. Well he is deceased now and some of his great grandchildren are living in the house about 5 yrs now. My mom's house burnt down in Oct 09 and she,s rebuilding. They came over and told the contractor her slab was on their property....
03/14/2010 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: Louisiana | #21385How Do I Save my Credit Rating if I Can't Pay a Hospital Bill?
Upfront billing asked for before a surgery then tripled after. Unemployed, uninsured, no income, ran out of unemployment. How do I save my credit?
03/14/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Michigan | #21384Can a Subcontractor Collect Payment from a Homeowener in Wisconsin?
My brother was the contractor on the job, and I was a sub doing supervision and finish carpentry work. I do not have a signed contract with him, just a verbal. We used my credit to get materials for this job. I paid for all materials and some sub contractors to keep this job moving and to secure payment of a finished project. My brother has not paid me for all of the materials ...
03/14/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Wisconsin | #21383How Can I Sell a Home if the Other Co-Owners Won't Sign the Papers?
We are trying to buy my husband's grandmother's house. She is in a nursing home and has been for over a year. We were just about to close when the bank's lawyers realized that the deed doesn't say with rights of survivorship. There are nine siblings and the lawyers have told us that they all must sign the deed along with their spouses. There are four of them refusing to sig...
03/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Partition | State: Kentucky | #21382Am I Guilty of Harboring a Fugitive if I Know the Person Failed to Appear in Court?
If a person failed to appear in criminal court in Baltimore County (MD)in 2005 for posing as a contractor without a license and failure to complete contract and a warrant was issued, am I breaking any laws by letting him stay at my house?
03/13/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: Maryland | #21381How Does a Condo Association in Receivership Affect the Homeowners Who Have Paid Off Their Homes?
If condo assn goes into receivership, how does it affect owners who have paid their condos off completely?
03/13/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Florida | #21380When Should I Sue Someone for an Unpaid Promissory Note?
I gave my car to a friend 2 yrs ago ;and i am the name on the loan of the car,and he can no longer afford to make the monthly payments we both signed and wrote up a promissory note and witnessed and signed by a notary public, so we are going to voluntary return the vehicle to where i first bought it at,it was through wells Fargo finance, i know they will resale it at an auction...
03/12/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: California | #21379Do I Have Recourse Against False Allegations in a Custody Case?
My son and his ex are going through a nasty custody fight. His ex has made accusations in her affidavit about my wife encouraging drug use by our children. In a second filing she claimed that my wife and I sat at our kitchen table laughing about my kids being high on drugs and encouraging there use. She is using this to prevent us from seeing our grandson. It is all a lie. Do ...
03/12/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Massachusetts | #21378