Legal Questions and Answers
Does a Landlord Have to Plow the Parking Lot of a Building?
We lease a building in Kilmarnockva Virginia. The snow in the parking lot doesn't get cleared by the owner. Is this his responsibility or ares? The lot is gravel and we don't want to have someone push the gravel off and be responsible for that.
02/08/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Virginia | #20847Do I Still Owe Rent if the Building is Being Foreclosed On?
My wife and I were recently informed by our rental company (landlord) that the owner of the home we rent has not paid the mortgage in about a year and now the house is going to foreclose. We have until 30 days after foreclosure (march 20) to move, but the rental company insists we still must pay full rent even though the home will be foreclosed on. My question is do we have t...
02/08/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Oregon | #20846How Do I Get Custody of My Children From Another State if I Wasn't Married?
We are not married but have three kids together my kids were born in Florida she left me and went to Arkansas with my kids and mortar by the judge here in Florida to pay child support and I do she won't talk to me answer my letters so I can see my kids we split up on good terms now violence involved my question is can I bring her to court here in Florida so I can see my kids th...
02/08/2010 | Category: Paternity » Child Custody | State: Florida | #20845What is Imputed Income and How Does it Relate to Spousal Support?
What does imputed income mean in divorce what determines spousal support?
02/07/2010 | Category: Divorce » Spousal Supp... | State: California | #20827How Do I Dispose of Land in Puerto Rico in a Will?
I need sample language that meets Puerto Rico forced heirship requirements for a Will for a GA resident who owns property in Puerto Rico. All to husband then to children.
02/07/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Foreign | State: Georgia | #20824How Do I Answer a Foreclosure Complaint if I Am Out-of-State?
I live in NY. I am out of state and received a foreclose notice on my home. How can I answer this summons and complaint with out returning to New York City, Kings County?
02/07/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: New York | #20822Can I Go to Jail for Spending the Insurance Proceeds and Not Paying the Roofer?
Being threatened by roofing company for theft of services and a mechanics lien against my house because I spent the insurance check. What do I need to do to remedy this matter. I am disabled and do not get much money monthly. Told the company I could pay 50 a month they said no. I then told them I could pay 500 they said they would talk to their attorney. The amount is approx.7...
02/06/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Texas | #20821How Can I Revoke The Agent's Authority for Abusing a Power of Attorney?
My mom passed away a few years ago and my siblings selected me to handle our father's finances. When my father went to live with my father, she received DPOA. Even though she has DPOA, I have still handled his finances.When my mom passed away, she left me and my sister as beneficiaries on her accounts. We were informed to distribute the money equally among the siblings. There...
02/06/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Florida | #20820Is There a Time Limt For Filing a Will in Court in Texas?
My sister in laws father has passed away yesterday. Now he was a resident in colorado and had moved to texas to receive treatement for cancer over 2 yrs ago. He came back to colorado 6 months ago to receive treatment and ended up becoming real sick. Will he was bed ridden for 3 weeks he wrote a will. He semi-recovered and moved back to texas. Upon his death his wife had sta...
02/06/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Colorado | #20819Can I Sue the Seller or Home Inspector for Leaks in the Roof Not Discovered Before the Sale?
I bought/closed on my house May 15, 2009. The first heavy rains in September resulted in several leaks into the house, one area requiring an immediate re-roofing. After several estimates, I got the whole roof replaced for 14,600.00, in addition to the smaller section for 765.00. Evidence of pre existing leaks existed in the house but I did not recognize it, nor did the home ...
02/06/2010 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Washington | #20818