Legal Questions and Answers
Does a Co-Tenant Need to Give Notice to Terminate a Lease in Arizona?
How much notice does my roommate have to give me before moving out if he is listed as an occupant on my lease? If moves out on the 3rd with no notice or mention of an intend to move is he responsible for his part of the rent that month?
02/06/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #20817Can I Notarize a Deed for Another State in My State?
My parents own property in California but reside in Nevada since my father's stroke. We need to do a quitclaim to transfer the title to my name and need to know if there is a specific form that would need to be completed since the property is out of state. And, can it be notarized in Nevada?
02/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Nevada | #20816How do file mechanics or construction lien on commercial property in Florida?
How to place a lien against a commercial property by a contractor. We did $5000.00 worth of work and paid our subcontractors but never received payment from customer. How do I place a lien against that property? Thanks.
02/05/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Florida | #20814Can I file one petition to change all the names of my children in Utah?
I am changing the last name of my 4 minor children. All 4 have the same parents, same old last name and will have the same new last name. Can they all be listed on the same document? If not, can the 4 separate documents be filed under one case number (one filing fee)
02/05/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Utah | #20813Can I divorce my wife while she is pregnant and believe the child is not mine?
I have been married nearly five years, my wife has been living with a 'friend', that she swore wasn't a sexual relationship for the past three months. Just yesterday she informed me that she is pregnant, I am 99% sure it isn't my child because we used a condom the one time we had sex while she wasn't living at home. I want to file for divorce, but I was told that until the chi...
02/05/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Ohio | #20810How do I interpret a visitation order that has inconsistent language?
Standard Visitation place it states visitation shall occur every other weekend. In another place it states the custodial parent shall have the children on odd numbered weekends where Friday is an odd number. which one has to be followed? Question comes because last weekend Friday was 29. this weekend Friday is 5. does the custodial parent have the children for ...
02/05/2010 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Wyoming | #20806Can I temporarily allow friends care for my child in North Carolina so I can move to Florida?
I need to move from Florida to North Carolina. My daughter is turning 17 in April and would like to finish the school year here in Sarasota County Florida. Her farther and I are estranged and has very little interaction with my daughter. Is there paperwork I can fill out to leave her in the care of my friends to finish the school year legally without her father claiming aban...
02/05/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Florida | #20804Is a restraining order or harassment order be served to me
Is a restraining order or harrassment order be served to me with no page with servers signiture or me signing? Can I stay in my apt. until judge decides? My roommate is the person who is applying for the orders. We are both on the lease and I have offered to sign papers to release her from our lease agreement at the apt. office. Her claims are lies and invalid. She had a frie...
02/05/2010 | Category: Restraining Order | State: California | #20798Can my husband refuse to let me come home after living separately?
After a 17 year marriage, I left to a bordering state one year ago with the intention of divorcing after children were away from home. There was no legal separation. I have been in constant contact and go to the house to see our children. My spouse and our 2 minor biological children live in the house we still own together. I am now unemployed w/ no resources and want to move b...
02/04/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Washington | #20797Is My Landlord Liable For Disposing of My Personal Property?
Landlord removed personal property and put in yard during storm then changed locks to garage. Came into rental took freezer while placing $500 of food in box to rot. Removed washer n dryer too. After all this gave a 30 day termination notice. Did I mention i have a baby and signed lease with him? What can I sue for?
02/04/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Pennsylvania | #20794