Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Have to Return Items I Pawned That Belong to Someone Who Owes Me Money?
My niece was trying to help out a friend and allowed her to stay in her home rent free.The girl had her boyfriend occasionally spend the night. The girls boyfriend wrecked my nieces truck, they agreed to pay for the damages, they got estimates but never paid. My nieces husband found this girls boyfriends necklace & bracelet laying in the bathroom and took it to a pawnshop and p...
02/03/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: Florida | #20770Which State Law Should a Power of Attorney Comply With if The Property is in Another State?
I am seeking a Limited Power of Attorney for a Florida resident who will be refinancing property located in New York, the agent is the Principals daughter. I read on the web that the Limited Power would be permitted to designate property outside of Florida and I am looking for such a Limited Power of Attorney form. Thank you
02/03/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: New Jersey | #20769How Can I Use a Road Owned by My Nerighbor to Access My Property?
We purchased our home 17 yrs ago and have always gotten along well with our neighbors. Just recently our neighbor had a survey done to keep a builder from building on the lot across from him. His land survey resulted in him owning the only existing road to our house. The neighbor across from him who wanted to build had a survey done which showed that their property meets up wi...
02/03/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Massachusetts | #20761Can Back Child Support Be Owed When Paternity is Proven in New York?
In the last few days we just found out that my husband could be the father of an young man who turned 18 in September. The young man was adopted by a peer of his mothers at a young age. We were never informed that there could be a child until now. No idea. if we submit to testing are there legal ramifications such as back pay of child support or college tuition? The child would...
02/03/2010 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: New York | #20760Can I Terminate a Lease Due to The Landlord Allowing Aggressive Dog in Violation of the Pet Policy?
My previous leasing agent violated the pet policy I signed at the time of leasing by allowing aggressive breed dogs into the building. One of my small dogs was attacked by one of these aggressive dogs; one week later the same dog almost attacked us again. I moved out immediately since I did not feel safe living in the building. The leasing agent also lives in the building, so s...
02/02/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Missouri | #20757Can I Demand to See a Copy of The Trust?
How do you get and atty that some one has had write a trust on your life, but will not give you a copy of same. I know state lawin NC, but i have two such cases, and it is drving me up the wall, I haev ask this to sevearl attys and they all reject my request for fraud. or contol of my life, is all this done, It was done by mybrothers, one who was in bakrupt and ask me...
02/02/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: North Carolina | #20756Is Planting a Virus in a Computer a Federal Crime?
I am 50% owner of Buy and Ship International. Recently our site had a virus placed on it which completely rendered it useless, and it Norton has given our site an unsafe rating with 79 threats. Yesterday our entire site was wiped off. I contacted our dedicated server people, Single Hop, and they were able to obtain the ftp log and proof of the party who did this. It was Autxlo...
02/02/2010 | Category: Internet » Hacking | State: California | #20755How Do I Make Grandchildren the Beneficiaries of a Living Trust?
I live in CA. I am trying to assist my former father in law who lives in Oregon to set up a living trust. He has no $ assets except his property and the mobile home that sits on it. He would like to be sure his grandchildren and step son receive this property upon his death. I think I have determined which forms to use except one. He is a widower, with two grown children that h...
02/02/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Living Trust | State: California | #20752Are Trust Certificates Securities That Need to be Registered With the SEC?
Trust certificates such as Massachusetts allows-are these certificates 'securities' that must be registered with SEC? If unsure what is cost to get a no-action letter from SEC?
02/02/2010 | Category: Corporations » Stock | State: Pennsylvania | #20748How Do I Collect Stock of My Deceased Father if the Certificate Has Been Lost?
Can I use a Small Estates Affadavit to meet the Stock Certificate Transfer Agent's law requirement for them to reissue a stock certificate in my deceased father's name? The stock value is approx. $990, and there are no other assets of my father that must be declared for probate? And if so, can that reissued stock then be deposited into my joint stock broker's account(my decea...
02/02/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: California | #20745