Legal Questions and Answers
What are the Requirements for Expungement in Wisconsin?
I had post-partum depression 15yr ago and was convicted on the federal level of illegal use of a credit card. I have been legal (not even a speeding ticket) since then. I was laid-off recently and need to find work. For employment purposes, can my record be suppressed or even expunged?
01/31/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Wisconsin | #20704How do I report tax fraud for illegally claiming my child as a dependent?
How do I go about stopping tax fraud? Some one has been taking my child on thier taxes and I dont know what to do to stop it.
01/31/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: Virginia | #20703Can a Mother Relocate a Child Out of State After Divorce?
If parents have joint custody and the daughter lives with her mother the majority of the time, in a state bordering the state the father lives in. If the Mother gets married to a Soldier and he is relocated over seas in a non-combat area, would the daughter be able to move with the mother? The divorce declares that the mother can only take the daughter one state away? The daugh...
01/31/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Kansas | #20702Am I Entitled to Half My Husband's Business if We Divorce?
My husband and I do not have a legal separation or divorce. However, he resides in California and I in Arizona. If he starts a business in California, am I entitled to half? He still uses our home address to file taxes, etc.
01/30/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: California | #20701Does a Beneficiary Deed Sever a Joint Tenancy?
I have a joint tenancy warranty deed with rights of survivorship with my father. I have found out that he has filed a beneficiary deed which conveys to my sister all his property interest upon his death. Is this legally binding if I have rights of survivorship to the property upon his death? Would I be entitled to 100% of the property as I would be the last surviving tenant o...
01/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Arizona | #20700Can My Ex-Husband Make Remove Me From the Deed to Refinance the Property?
My ex-husband is living in the community home and wants to refinance it in order to pay miscellaneous bills. Ultimately he wants to take my name off the loan; although, he still owes me $50K in equity. However, he cannot afford to pay me $50K until the appraised value goes back up. How should I request or have Deeds worded to protect my equity if something should happen or ...
01/30/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: California | #20699How Do I Contest a Will for Fraud?
When I divorced in Nevada, my name was on my husbands account and his on mine. He lied to his attorney and later died in December. Since I got a 1099, I contacted his attorney handling the will. The attorney was unaware of the account. Therefore? can I contest the will due to fraud committed by my ex-husband?
01/30/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Nevada | #20698How Do I Form a Business at a Kiosk at a Mall With Other Owners?
My husband is going to buy 50% of a company. The company is a kiosk that is really a rented space at a mall with a yearly contract. What contract would be needed to make this legal? It would be a 50% share for him and the two other people that would hold the other 50%.
01/30/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Florida | #20697Is There a Time Limit to a Deposition?
Are there any limitations regarding the length of time a deposition may go on? I suspect that counsel is milking fees from the insurance carrier providing cost of defense. This is a wrongful termination/harassment case.
01/30/2010 | Category: Discovery » Depositions | State: California | #20696Can You Wiretap a Federal Employee?
Can you record conversations with another employee at federal buildings?
01/29/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: Arizona | #20695