Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Contempt Motion Be Filed For Failure to Pay Mortgage in Divorce Decree?
The Colorado divorce decree awarded my wife the house, and 1st mortgage and payments which she has kept up-to-date. Her ex-husband was awarded the 2nd mortgage and payments. Her ex-husband is making payments to cover the interest but not the principal of the 2nd mortgage. The 2nd mortgage company has placed the 2nd mortgage in Recovery status and now since she was secondary s...
02/04/2010 | Category: Contempt | State: Colorado | #20793What is the Wife's Intestate Share in Pennsylvania?
if a husband and wife are separted and the man is paying court ordered spousal support already if he dies what is his wife alloted from his estate question pertains to PA. LAW
02/04/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Pennsylvania | #20788Can I Leave My Estate to Only My Biological Children in a Will?
I am divorced but getting married. Can I will everything to my children that is mine when we get marriad? I live in California.I have my Living Trust already made before marriage...
02/03/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #20784Can the Insurance Company Sue
I take care of my daughter's (she is 25 years old) car without ever charging her. I also buy her cars without charge. I do some repairs myself and pay for others I can't repair. On 1/6/10 she called me and said that her car was overheating. When I checked it I told her it could not be driven and needed towing. I said that I would tow it with my jeep and either fix it or get ...
02/03/2010 | Category: Negligence | State: Delaware | #20783How Does a Member Withdraw From a LLC in Maryland?
My partner and I started an LLC here in Maryland. He left for California without notice, he then threatened to leave if I didn't give him half of the business and name him west coast CEO. I did, but this was never put on paper. We have sold only one computer, We have not done taxes for two years because we have no business model or anything written up and haven't made any money...
02/03/2010 | Category: LLC | State: Maryland | #20782What Are the Consequences if I Tell My Husband He's Not the Father of Our Son?
I have a friend--honestly its not me- anyway, she has been married to her husband for 18 years they have 2 children. The youngest son is 10 he does not belong to her husband--her husband does not know this. A good friend of the family is the bio father--he is also married --his wife does not know the boy is her husbands son. If my friend tells the truth what are the bio father...
02/03/2010 | Category: Paternity | State: Tennessee | #20780Is a Tax Preparer Liable for a Mistake on My Tax Return?
H@R Block we just found out has been filing a disability deductions on our son but his disability does not meet irs guidelines. Were getting a medical note from his dr. Tuesday to see where he now stands on his disability .H@r Block has never advised us of irs requirements. Their rep told me the irs hardly ever checks on this anyways. Who liable to pay back the money to the irs...
02/03/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: New York | #20779Does an Exclusive Publishing Agreement Require a Written Contract?
I have a question about publishing. I write short stories and am being published in a newspaper and in an online e-zine, and I plan to compile the stories into a book. My question is - unless I give a magazine (or other medium) exclusive rights IN WRITING, can I let anyone else publish those same stories? Thanks much!
02/03/2010 | Category: Licenses | State: California | #20778How Do I Add My Name to My Mother's Deed to Avoid Probate?
Mom is 87 and owns her condo. Upon her death, to avoid a long probate, she has suggested placing my name on her condo title. Would we replace her name with mine? Would we simply add my name? How is this done? I am her Power of Attorney and executrix of her will and she does have a living will.
02/03/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #20776Does a FSBO Home Sale Require a Seller's Disclosure in Texas?
Hi, we purchased a home in 2008 from a couple who had lived in the home since 2006. We recently had to repair a MAJOR plumbing issue in our home. The plumber(s) informed us that this is not the first repair on the plumbing, but this was not disclosed to us at the sell of our home. Our realtor has also not been able to locate a seller's disclosure from the 1st owners since she ...
02/03/2010 | Category: Real Property » Seller's Dis... | State: Texas | #20772