Legal Questions and Answers
How Can I Accept a Check Marked Payment in Full Without Making an Accord and Satisfaction?
I have received a check for a portion of a debt that is undisputed, but not for the entire amount of the remaining debt that is disputed. On the check, the debtor wrote 'Payment in full for all debts due (my name inserted here), on both the front of the check, and at the top of the back for the check in the endorsement area. The check was accompanied by am 'Unconditional Waiv...
01/28/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: California | #20670What is the Statute of Limitation for Theft of Servcies in Pennsylvania?
What is the statue of limitations on theft of services in the state of Pennsylvania? (Dollar amount ranges from $1500.00 to $3000.00)
01/28/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Pennsylvania | #20669How Do I Change a Name on a Birth Certificate Issued Abroad While in the Military?
I was born in a US Army military hospital in Munich, Germany while my father was serving in the US Army and my US mother was able to live there with him. Both parents are US citizens. My first name is misspelled by one letter (Scot, when it should be Scott). All other documents (i.e. marriage license, passport, Soc. security card, etc...) are Scott with 2 ' t's '. Any idea ...
01/27/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: New Jersey | #20661How Do I Foreclose on a Mobile Home and Evict the Tenant?
I am a lien holder of a mobile home in Boise. ID. I need to evict the tenants for non payment. I have served them with a 3 day eviction notice , which is up today, and am looking for the paper work online if possible, to file the next paper work with the court. I can only find papers on renters eviction, not for a lien holder, please help me locate them. I am on SS and would li...
01/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Idaho | #20659How Are Aftermarket Parts Covered By Warranty laws?
With the Magnuson Moss warranty act can I put headers on my 2010 Camaro and Chevrolet still honor my warranty? On a Camaro web-site I read that you can put aftermarket products on your new car and they still have to honor your warranty but Chevrolet says it will void your warranty.
01/27/2010 | Category: Warranties | State: Pennsylvania | #20652What Forms Are Needed to Transfer Property of a Deceased to Siblings?
Between 6-8 relatives, some blood siblings, others by marriage have inherited real property in Pike Co., Pennsylvania. We need to transfer the property from my mother's estate to us in different shares and make an agreement for all of us to maintain the property, pay taxes, insurance, etc. going forward while insuring each of can have our own children be able to inherit our sha...
01/27/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: New Jersey | #20651Should I File a Deed Before a Contract for Deed is Fully Performed?
I signed a Contract for Deed with a man December 7th, 1995. He is 3 months behind in notes, insurance cancelled, and 2 years taxes owed on the house and property (3 lots). I sent him a certified letter and a letter by mail telling him the amount of taxes he owed (2007-2008 $1,581.78), He had to have insurance at all times, and the house notes for (August, September, October wer...
01/26/2010 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Texas | #20642How Can I Break a Lease Early in Texas?
i want to for me and my child.. i want to move at the end of jan. what can i do?
01/26/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Texas | #20641How Do I Get Rid of Abandoned Property in Maryland?
I want to know my rights to the disposal of my former girl friends personal property. She resided in my home for 9 years, paid no rent and there was no written occupancy agreement. Six months ago I gave her written notice to vacate, she refused, relationship became abusive, I secured a protective order 25 days ago and she was told to vacate and give me an inventory of items she...
01/26/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Maryland | #20640What Are the Requirements for a Power of Attorney in South Carolina?
What are the legal requirements for a SC Power of Attorney? Need to know the requirements for power of attorney in SC.
01/26/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: South Carolina | #20639