Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Spouse Claim Part of Jointly Owned Property if There is No Will?
I live in tx. I purchased 1 property with a man under both names but different last names. we moved in together on said property. he died leaving no will & now i found out he was married when we purchase property & his spouse is hindering the sale of property by claim of inheritance.I didnt know he was married & dont believe the spouse should have rights to property. does she? ...
01/25/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #20611Is a Landlord Guilty of Trespassing if There is a Hazardous Condition on the Property?
apt. in my home rented to very irresponsible woman. i am very concerned about fire. she leaves heat on high and clothes dryer on when gone. i check on these when i come home if she is not there. she has charged me with aggravated crim trespassing. TCA 39-14-406 other actions of her are causing a water leak and not notifing me. i discovered a damaged ceiling and walls and fu...
01/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Trespassing | State: Tennessee | #20594How Do I Divide LLC Assets With My Husband in a Divorce
My Husband and I have a LLC for a restaurant. Our relationship has soured he now thinks I have to buy him out but I am 51% owner of the business which owes a debt. What are my rights?
01/24/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Maryland | #20591How Do I Get a Public Intoxication Charge Expunged in Iowa?
How do I get an Iowa public intoxication and obstruction of justice ticket that I received in college in 2003 expunged? I am applying to grad school and want to be able to say no. Will i ever be able to say no on an application that I have not been convicted of a misdemeanor?
01/24/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Iowa | #20590How Does a Corporation Change a Registered Agent in Texas?
I want to have The Secretary of the State of Texas accept my and my husbands resignation from registered agent, directors and officers of the company. I have a copy of the minutes of this meeting accepting our resignation dated 2/26/08. What forms do I need and how do I get them.
01/24/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Texas | #20589Is the Father of My Baby and I Marry, is He Presumed to Be the Father?
If a mother is married to someone other than the biological father, and husband and the mother were married any time in the ten-month period before the baby is born or when the baby is born, is yhe husband presumed to be the childs legal father?
01/23/2010 | Category: Paternity » Marriage | State: Florida | #20588Should I Refinance My Home to Pay off a Student Loan?
One of my husband's school loans was in forebarence. I called in Oct to find out when we needed to set up new payment plan. The man said to call at the beginning of the year. Before I called in Jan, the loan had been turned into a collection agency who is threatening to garnish his wages. I don't have the man's name that I spoke with. They want us to take out a loan against our...
01/23/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Lending | State: Texas | #20586Can I Get an Interest in Property Owned By My Baby's Mother?
My girlfriend bought a house and i fixed it up for her i have all receipts and expenses, but we are not together anymore, we have a child together. She has promised to pay me back, now she says that she is going to sell the property and not pay me back. Can i claim some interest against her or the property?
01/23/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: Michigan | #20585How Do I Get a Copy of My Deed?
Where do I get a copy of the deed for my personal real estate?
01/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Michigan | #20584Will I Avoid Probate By Adding My Wife to the Deed?
I want to add my wife to the existing deed for the house. With the deed form I have requested, will the property automatically stay with her, avoiding probate or any other entanglements?
01/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Ohio | #20583