Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Avoid a Statute of Limitations Defense in a Promissory Note?
All parties described herein are California residents and all of the following transaction occurred in California.On April 25, 2006, I lent a substantial sum of money to an individual (the 'borrower') with whom I've done business for many years. On the same date, the borrower executed a promissory note in which he agreed to repay the amount in 60 equal payments over five years...
01/26/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: California | #20638What Can I Do if My Lawyer Won't Return Calls?
We paid an attorney to take us through Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Nov., 09. He has been difficult to contact, and now we cannot contact him at all. He has all paperwork necessary to file. Our financial situation is worsening. What can we do? What recourse do we have? Thank you so much. (He is in Austin, TX.)
01/26/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Texas | #20632How is a Homestead Exemption Affected By a Divorce in Nevada?
I have a Homestead declaration in Nevada on a home that is still currently in both my name and ex-spouse's name. We have divorced but the house deed still lists us both (I have not been able to refinance it). Since we are now divorced, do I need to submit a new Homestead declaration (as the husband only because I have since remarried), or does the current one still apply since ...
01/26/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Nevada | #20631Should I Make Two Wills If I Own Property in Canada?
Me and my family live in Florida right now but will be moving within couple of months to Canada for few years. Should we make our wills here? Would it be valid in Canada or should we make wills in Canada?
01/26/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Foreign | State: Florida | #20629How Do I Cancel a Power of Attorney and Appoint Another Agent?
I brought my dad (82 yrs old) to live with me in April 2009--his daughter had power of attorney in Nev--I am in Calif and want to apply for power of attorney here-I bought one of the forms and one for cancelling the power of attorney in Nevada--is that all I need? Do I just complete it and have him sign before a Notary? Anything else I need do? Do I have access to his bank acco...
01/26/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #20623Who Owns a Joint Bank Account When One Owner Dies?
my brother and daughter have a joint bank accounts. i am the sister. i have the power of attorney. my dies who is entitle to the funds
01/26/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Pennsylvania | #20622How Do I File a Complaint Against a John Doe Party?
How do I go about drawing up my own paperwork for harassment from a government agency. I want to file this as against John and Jane Doe and on discovery ask for the actual names of the people. Please be specific as to what forms or layout I should use. I'm on a limited income and I can get across to the judge what it is they are doing.
01/26/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Tennessee | #20620How Do I Qualify for Small Estate Administration in Idaho?
My mother passed on 1/5/2010. She left a will naming my youngest sister as executor and beneficiary of a small life insurance policy _$5,000.The only other assets she had was a checking account @_$2,000, and her personal belongings with a value of _$500-1000 (?) Her home in Nampa Idaho has a mortgage owing of _$90,000 and her only other debt was a credit card with an outstandi...
01/25/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: Idaho | #20616What are The Class Size and Ratio Limits for Teaching Classes in Virginia?
How many classes and grade levels can a school make you teach in one day? i am currently teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade (Math, History, English, and Science). No breaks no aides. Alternative Ed school
01/25/2010 | Category: Education | State: Virginia | #20615What is My Liability for Violating a Leash Law in a Dog Fight in New York?
My dog was involved in a fight with another dog. My dog was on a 6 ft. leash. The owner of the other dog was on roller blades and in violation of NYC leash law, more than 6 ft. His dog was injured and he also received 7 stitches while attempting to break up the fight. My dog was not injured. What are my legal responsibilities?
01/25/2010 | Category: Animals | State: New York | #20612