Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Apply for State Disability Insurance in California?
Where/how do I get CA State disability form DDSD. I'm trying to get Medical social services for my husband. He's on socail security disability but they are asking for form DDSD and I need some help to get it and what's it for and or would my husband even need this. He's been on social security dis for 3 or more years.
01/23/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: California | #20582How Do I Dissolve an S-Corporation in Louisiana?
My partner, 40% shareholder, in my S-corp has passed away and his widow wants me to buy her out. She would like me to purchase her shares for an unreasonable amount. I would like to dissolve the company and distribute the assets. How do I proceed?
01/23/2010 | Category: Corporations » Corporate Di... | State: Louisiana | #20581How Do I Get Rid of Abandoned Property in Florida?
What do I do with a small boat left on a foreclosed property? Can I sell it or have it hauled off? It does not appear to be in good condition but the hull looks good. Can I claim it, repair it, and how would I get title for it? What do I do with this boat? I do not know who the owner is. Can I store it on my property and charge storage or claim it and try to obtain a title to i...
01/23/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Florida | #20579Do Heirs Inherit the Mortgage on My Property?
Hello. I anticipate taking out a mortgage on a property I own wholly, through my mother who named me sole owner in a Life Estate. My mother deceased in 2006. This property is and would continue to be my legal residence. I'm concerned about taking out a fixed-rate mortgage at my age of 67 to gift my only sibling, aged 69, half of the property's value. She is already named in my ...
01/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Mortgage Sat... | State: New York | #20578How Do You Rent Farm Land With a Lease Based on Crop Production?
I want to rent about 3 acres of land for agricultural use and both the owner and I have agreed to make payments of the lease based in a percentage of the crop produced on the land (crop sharing based on the FOB price at that moment). I would like to know how can we begin to draw a 1 yr. contract form January 01 to December 31 of 2010. I did not see any agricultural land lease o...
01/23/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #20577Can a Lease Be Terminated Early When I Become Pregnant and Lose My Job in Connecticut?
What if you want to break your rental lease because you became pregnant and are receiving state medical benefits due to low income and will soon have to leave the job you had, and move in with your brother which will better accommodate your life change?
01/22/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Connecticut | #20573What Are the Requirenments for a Valid Marriage in Washington?
My husband and I were married in Washington State 25 yrs. ago in the church but not the state. We signed a document with witnesses and just recently recorded it. My husband no longer wants the marriage but says were not married so he doesn't need to give me spousal support. We have 2 boys, 13 and 17 and my husband has always been the main provider. I make about 1000.00/mo. He s...
01/22/2010 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: California | #20572Can I File a Perjury Complaint for Filing False Affidavits in Court?
I am involved in some civil litigation. The other party has repeatedly lied on affidavits and presented false documents to the court. Can I file a motion in the case for a finding of perjury and fraud? And simply go before the judge with my evidence.
01/22/2010 | Category: Affidavits | State: Texas | #20571What remedies are available when seller inaccurately disclosed homeowners fees?
We purchased a home in 7/09. On the disclosure statement the previous owners listed the neighborhood fees as $150 a year. However we've recently found that through quarterly payments we will be paying approximately $460 a year. Do we have legal recourse on this matter?
01/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Missouri | #20566Is there a duty of a lawyer to help me once I have shared with him confidential information?
I discussed my case with a lawyer and he told me to sent him narrative version of my case including names of the people via email. He gave his email address. I sent my confidential and privileged information as a PDF file and I also wrote on it 'confidential and privileged information'. It is now more than five weeks. I have sent him emails and called his office many times to k...
01/22/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New Jersey | #20563