Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Get an Affidavit for a Lost Mortgage?
i need a lost mortgage affidvit form
09/22/2009 | Category: Affidavits | State: Alabama | #18732Can I Get an Annlument if My New Wife is an Alcoholic?
I've been living in PA since the beginning of May 2009. I was recently married on August 22nd, 2009. My wife has a substance abuse problem (alcohol, from what I can tell) and I want either an annulment or divorce. Is an annulment possible? If so, should I contact a local lawyer in PA to do this or do I have to contact a lawyer in NY (where we were married)? She tells me s...
09/22/2009 | Category: Divorce » Annulment | State: Pennsylvania | #18723How is an Intestate Estate Distributed in Virginia?
My husband recently passed away, my question is this. Him and his brother were owners of a piece of property in Virginia. The deed reads 1 half to each and it says nothing about suriviors. Does his part fall to me or does it fall back to his brother and also would his daughter have any claim in it. She is my stepdaughter.
09/21/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Virginia | #18721How Do I Change My Trust Without Having to Transfer Assets Again?
I have a Revocable, Living Trust dated 11/16/1992 which needed many revisions, and instead of amending this Trust, I created a new Revocable, Living Trust.However, the 1992 Trust contains all my assets.Question? Is there a way to amend and restate the 2009 Legal Zoom Trust in order to save me the hassle of transferring the assets from the old Trust into the new one.Does Legal ...
09/21/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #18718How Do I Get a Law Repealed that is Not Being Enforced?
A law was passed with specific policy goals. Not only were these goals not achieved but were actually ignored by enforcement and the administration with several legislatures that sponsored the law knowingly breaking the law. What is the term for such a law and how is it reversed in court?
09/21/2009 | Category: Legislatures | State: Connecticut | #18717Can A Boyfriend Get Overnight Visitation with an Infant?
I just gave birth to my daughter. Her father wanted nothing to do with her during the pregnancy. Now that she is here, he is threatening to take me to court to have visitation with her. I told him that I would allow visitation with her so long as he did not take her from me. We live about 4 hours away from each other. I let him visit with our 6 year old son now. On holida...
09/20/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: California | #18699How Does Waiver of Homestead Affect Foreclosure in Michigan?
I am in arrears on my mortgage. I got a summons recently stating that I am being sued. The plaintiff who is the holder of my mortgage is petitioning the court to amend our mortgage documents because my wife had signed it waiving her homestead right. Are there advantages for us to leave it this way if we execute a short sale or are forced into foreclosure?
09/20/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homestead | State: Michigan | #18698Does Expungement of Information Include Records of Arrest?
expungement states - Also, persons subject to investigation of child abuse not resulting in a conviction. _ 26-14-3. Does this include the arrest record or just the investigation records?
09/19/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Alabama | #18696How Do I Delay a Foreclosure in North Carolina?
I am asking this question for my daughter and her family. They were served a foreclosure today by the sheriffs dept. stating there house would be sold to the highest bidder Nov.16, 2009. They have two small children, 8 mo& 2 yrs. I was told by someone that with two children the notice could be delayed an additional 90 days. Is there any truth to that or is their any way to get ...
09/18/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: North Carolina | #18693How Does a Contract for Deed Protect a Buyer if Seller Defaults on the Mortgage?
A buyer is wanting to do Owner Financing but is concerned about protection should owner default on 1st mortgage. How do we protect each other on this item?
09/18/2009 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Georgia | #18692