Legal Questions and Answers
How can I secure reimbursement for payments made on behalf of estate property?
I have been paying taxes for years and other expenses on my father's estate property (small lot.) I would like to file a lien on the property so when it is sold I can recooperate my expenses before the proceeds are distributed to the rest of the heirs that have not paid property taxes or incurred any expenses on behalf of the property. Which form do I need to file a lien on ...
09/17/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Texas | #18670How can I leave my home to one of my children in my Florida will?
I am working on my WILL. I have five properties with a Right of Survivorship to my children. My question is? I own my own home and I own this house but it is in MY NAME ONLY. How can I leave this house, (without a right of survivorship) and the house will go to whom I choose when I die. Thanks, June Please call or email me HOW TO WRITE MY WILL with my personal home only in ...
09/17/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Florida | #18668How can I enforce promissory note and prevent sale of real property?
my husband owes our daughter thousands of dollars. he sign a note to sign our home over to her. now he wants to sell the house and bypass her. how do we place a lien on the house so that he cannot sell it
09/17/2009 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Nevada | #18667How can I expunge a criminal record in California?
My case was dismissed but not expunged. Can i do this myself and how?
09/17/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: California | #18666Following a divorce, how can we terminate parental rights when child was not husband's child?
I have a 5 year old son. Both my ex-husband and I knew ther was a chance that my son wasn't his child. It was agreed it didn't matter and we would try to put our marriage back together and he would raise my son as his. Shortly after my son was born the marriage fell apart. We were divorced 2 years ago and paternity wasn't contested at that time. Approx 6 months ago my ex-h...
09/17/2009 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Connecticut | #18660What happens when a person dies intestate or without a will in Texas?
My husband died on 07/17/09 with no will. We are both 66 yrs. old and live on social security and small savings. Must I file something and pay money to the state?
09/17/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Texas | #18659What involved if there's a typo on my birth certificate and I want to change my last name?
Hello,I am a resident of California living in Colorado due to my husband's military assignment. I want to know what to do with a typo I found on my birth certificate. It has an error on my first name. I requested a certified copy and it does not match everything I have used throughout my life. My name is Melissa - my drivers license, SSN, school and public records and every...
09/16/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Colorado | #18658What is needed to do a deed in lieu of foreclosure and debt forgiveness in Ohio?
Wish to purchase a 'Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure' form to transfer title from an individual to an individual. The individual receiving the new deed is to foregive any and all mortgage debt from the individual transferring title back to them.
09/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Ohio | #18657What are the Remedies for Defamation in Idaho?
I am being slandered and defamed by emails by an individual who is forwarding copies simultaneously to multiple 'other' individuals defaming me in a spurious manner. The latest example is one of 20 other such emails in the past 4 months. I have made a formal (archived) request for her to remove my name from her 'group' email address book and she continues the barrage. Specif...
09/16/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Idaho | #18650What Happens if I Quit My Job and Can't Pay My Bills?
What happens if I have to resign or quit my job, due to taking care of parents full time without an income in another state? The only asset that I have is a house, that could end up in foreclosure in that case.
09/16/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Ohio | #18649