Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Dispose of Property of a Deceased Tenant in Washington?
Our tenant has passed away suddenly (not in our rental). Some of his possessions remain in the house. What needs to happen before we can release the contents to someone? We have changed the locks for now.
09/14/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Washington | #18613How Do I Stop Foreclosure on My Home in Arizona?
How can I stop a non-judicial foreclosure in a case where the lender cannot produce a complete copy of the Note? A Trustee's sale date has been set and I have a loan modification in process. How can I stop the non-judicial foreclosure or at least delay the sale date until the loan modification is processed? The property is in Arizona.
09/14/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Arizona | #18611Can My Son Move Out at Age 18 in Colorado if He is Still in High School?
My son is 18 yrs old, but still in high school. He wants to move into his own apartment and has the funds to do so. Do I have any legal responsibility if he were to get in any kind of trouble? Is it legal for him to move since he is still in high school? Thank you!
09/14/2009 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Colorado | #18610How Do I Terminate a Lease for Bed Bug Infestation in South Carolina?
Hi,I renewed my lease the beginning of the august for 6 months and after 2 weeks, I experienced the bedbug problems. I informed the landlord about this problem and first of all, they said that you need to call exterminator. The cost of hiring exterminators is expensive and I said that this is so much. After a while, I talked to them one more time.I think that my some neighbors ...
09/14/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: South Carolina | #18608How Do I Fill Out a Form for an Equipment Lease?
Simple equipment lease (control#US-01671-AZ)from US Legal Forms .com What should be filled in on line to Line 12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION. The parties incorporate and make a part of this lease by reference, the Contractual Bill Of Rights for __________
09/14/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Indiana | #18607How Do I Transfer Property Into a Trust in Colorado?
My parents own their home and want to move the deed to a trust in order to ensure that it goes to the trustees (their children) if something should happen to them down the road. Which documents do they need to transfer ownership of the house to a trust? And what documents do the trustees need to move it later from the trust to their names?
09/14/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Colorado | #18596Can I Vacate My Conviction in New York After 17 Years?
I was misrepresented by an attorney 17 years ago and plead guilty to aggravated harassment and contempt of court which he said was expunged, but he lied. I want to be a teacher and to know if this conviction will be a problem. Should I try to get it vacated in the interest of justice?
09/13/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: New York | #18594How Do I Remove My Son From My Premises?
If my son has been asked to pay rent in our residence, but has not paid any, and no lease has been I required to issue an eviction notice to make him move out?
09/13/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: North Carolina | #18593Can I Terminate a Lease on Uninhabitable Property?
My renter got behind in his rent and in some jobs I paid him to do. Because I confronted him, he decided to call the Building code Officer and report the areas that needed repair. The house is 90 years old and I had planned to demolish it before he persuaded me to to let him rent it and do the repairs. I had planned to clear the lot and rebuild. So, I asked the code enforce...
09/13/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: North Carolina | #18590What is the Law on Interference With Contract in California?
I own a magazine and have columnists who submit columns each month. Some are advertisers and some are not. The magazine is trademarked and contents must be given permission before anyone can use them. I used to have a form that the columnists signed that agreed to a exclusivity of the column. It would not be allowed in any other magazine in the northern California area. I ca...
09/13/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #18589