Legal Questions and Answers
What Can I Do if My Husband Commits Bigamy?
Hello my friend is married in Mexico, her husband left her taking her 3 kids, and marry a woman in USA and become citizen. My Friend is poor that's the reason he has never said something. I have intention to help her revealing the bigamy case against that men, He will retire and have assets. I would Like to request to have her take her share.
09/12/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #18588Is a Land Contract Still Enforceable if the Owner Dies?
my grandmother and i are buying a home thats owner financed. It was drawn up as we were both two single people instead of jointly. Her son has poa and possibly everything in her will. We made the deal on the house here in oklahoma where as evrything else was done in texas. Can her son get our house if she or when she dies?
09/12/2009 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Oklahoma | #18587Can I Be Sued for Insurance Fraud for Taking My Boyfriend off My Policy?
I was carrying my ex fiancee unde my insurance, When we broke up he wanted me to continue with the coverage, though we were no longer living together, Is this considered insurance fraud? I took him off my insurance and now is threatening me by saying he is going to see a lawyer. I had thought I could not take him off my insurance until it was our yearly insurance change in Oct...
09/12/2009 | Category: Insurance | State: Nevada | #18586What Form is Used to Change a Divorce Decree?
what forms do you need to submit to motion an amendement to a divorce decree? I am active duty Navy living in PA, but home residence is Pampa, Texas and is where I filed for divorce which was finalized in May 2009. Please Answer ASAP!...thank you
09/12/2009 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Pennsylvania | #18585Can a Billboard be Erected on Private Property in New Jersey?
Can new billboards be erected in New Jersey on private property near
09/12/2009 | Category: Zoning | State: New Jersey | #18584Can I Claim Property Owned Jointly With My Husband if he Dies Without a Will?
I want to sell recreational property jointly purchased by my husband and I prior to our marriage.He is now deceased and their is no will.Can I now claim the total property as his surviving widow to sell? I need an ASAP answer to sell relestate.
09/11/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Virginia | #18582How Do I Transfer Property From the Name of a Deased?
my girlfriend has the deed to a home in florida. her name and her deceased husbands name are on the deed. she wants to put my name, with her name on a new deed. which type of deed do we fill out for that purpose? the property is in holmes county, florida. we are in california
09/11/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #18576Can My Employer Require Me to Work During Certain Hours in Order to be Paid?
I am classified as an Exempt Employee (Salaried) in a non-profit organization. I have depleted my sick time and all but .75 vacation hour this year and got sick again and missed 2 full 8:30- 5 days. However, during that week, I worked 31.25 hours, was granted 8 hours comp time and used the final .75 of my vacation. According to the 'powers that be', I should not be counting ...
09/11/2009 | Category: Employment » Hours | State: Michigan | #18574How can voicemails be used as evidence in court?
How does a person get a voicemail message that was left on a cell phone, turned into submissable written evidence? Is there a way to legally get the voicemail transcribed into writing?
09/11/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Illinois | #18573How can an adult child establish paternity with a presumed parent?
I am 42 years old, in need of major surgery. I am anemic and may need a donor. My blood type is AB, the man on my birth certificate is an O and mother was an A. Which leads me to, my birth father. He is a B, but refused to take a paternity test. My grandmother told me that he was my father. I haven't much time here, I need to Subpeona his DNA. 2 reasons, one for health and...
09/11/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: California | #18570