Legal Questions and Answers
Mother asks whether father of 2nd child can claim paternity of 3rd child
i am pregnant with my third child. each child has a different father: however, the father of child number two may insist the child is his even though the rightful father's name will be on the birth certificate when the child is born. i do not live with this baby's father and will not be seeking support from him. i am worried that the father of my second child will assume that...
08/01/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Arizona | #17896Massachusett's durable power-of-attorney (DPOA).
We signed, witnessed, and notarized a Durable Power of Attorney in May of 2009. The document is the broad form, written to conform with the Massachusetts 201B code. A new code called 190B became effective and applicable to any DPA written on or after July 1, 2009. On July 14, we submitted an application on behalf of our Mom for a Home Equity Line of Credit. Note that the ap...
08/01/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Massachusetts | #17895What Deed Do I Use to Add Son to our Property?
I and my husband decided on adding our son's name to a title. Residential property is a single family house owned by us. Is 'Grant Bargain and Sales Deed' correct form to use?
08/01/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Nevada | #17894Minor asks for information on emancipation procedure in Texas.
What do I need to do get emancipated?
07/31/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Texas | #17892What are defenses to slander?
If a statement made under oath in a court proceeding is proven to be perjury, and can be proven as slander also; is this statement protected from a slander lawsuit or considered privileged in any fashion?
07/31/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: New Mexico | #17888A nominated executor's state of residence is irrelevant to appointment as executor.
My parents want to change the executor of their will from my brother to me. I live in Virginia, but my parents live in Texas
07/31/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Virginia | #17886Amazon blocks bookseller from website.
Re Amazon.comThis has to do with this company blocking me from a sellers account because of another person that I don't even know made a mistake two or three years ago. I got a job at the same company. Apparently the company is blocked too. The person doen't even work here any more...from what I understand. I am writing to ask if Amazon blocks all my accounts (three in tota...
07/31/2009 | Category: Internet | State: Colorado | #17883Does a waiver of process in an estate affect my being alternate executor?
My mother's will, (dad predeceased her) designated my brother as Executor and I as Alternate Executor. My mother has passed on and we are now in the process of probating the will. To expedite this process I have been presented with a 'waiver of process' so that my brother can probate the will without my co-signing. I have no problem with this. My concern and question to you is ...
07/31/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: New York | #17882Must a Kansas construction lienor have a signed written contract?
Can a construction company file a lien against a property or estate for work performed without approval from the owner? There was no signed contract by the owner that approved the contractor to perform the work.
07/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Kansas | #17881What is Indiana's age of majority? At what age does parent's financial responsibility cease?
If a teenager fails school/is recommended to leave traditional school and attend GED program, and in addition, refuses to follow household rules, can the parent(s) assert the teen is an adult at age 18 and have the teen move from the house? Does parental responsibility legally end at 18?
07/30/2009 | Category: Minors | State: Indiana | #17880