Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Admit a New Member to a LLC in Louisiana?
In Louisiana a sole member LLC wishes to admit a new member--will a resolution to that effect suffice or do you need additional forms or contracts such as a member purchase agreement etc, to accomplish the intent?
07/23/2009 | Category: LLC | State: Louisiana | #17721How Do I Get Paid to Locate Investment Funds?
I have asked two local lawyers, but have no response. I would like to find money for people and get 6% for my trouble. What is the best way to get the money?
07/23/2009 | Category: Contracts » Finder's Fee | State: Pennsylvania | #17720Can the Guardian Change the Life Insurance Beneficiaries?
Can the guardian change the life insurance beneficiaries after they recieve guardianship?
07/23/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Indiana | #17719What Business Entity is Best for Me?
I started a Knitting Guild about 2.5 years ago (not for profit). It is not a charity organization but is more like a gardening club or running club where members get together for learning, activities, and sharing hobbies. It is currently set up as a DBA and I want to get it out of my name. Is a corporation the best way to go and how simple can I make it? Also, please advise wh...
07/23/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: Georgia | #17718What is the legal term for passing legal documents through the hands of potentially hostile person?
There is a legal term for passing legal documents through the hands of potentially hostile or incompetent individuals in sealed envelopes by passing Directly from legal rep hands--_ hostile/incompetent individual hands --_ final recipient hands. Since these documents were in the possession of the H/I individual, even momentarily, they are considered to have knolwedge and agree ...
07/23/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #17716How Do I Claim a Breach of Contract for Dating Services?
I am suing a match making company in small claims court for the $7500 they charged me for a personal search. They promised 18 introductions in 18 months. I received 1. What part of the civil code can I refer to in court regarding breach of contract or some kind of professional practices law that speaks to this?
07/22/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #17705How Does Emancipation Affect Statutory Rape Laws?
Can a Emancipated minor be with someone over 21 of age
07/22/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Louisiana | #17702Is A Difference in Pay an Affirmative Action Issue?
For three years the custodian (he) of a school distric has been paid in excess of what the business manager (she) has been paid. Job requirements and abilities of the custodian are not even close to what the business manager must know and be able to perform. In the last year the business manager was given an increase to make apx $1.00 more per hour. Now, (she) the business ...
07/22/2009 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Idaho | #17700Is an Attempted Crime the Same as the Underlying Crime in Disqualifying Me for Employment?
I am getting a background and criminal check from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation to work as a cook in an elderly care facility and under senate bill 160 no one is eligible if they have been convicted of aggravated menacing. I have not been convicted of aggravated menacing but have been convicted of attempted aggravated menacing. Will this, under Oh...
07/21/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Ohio | #17697Can an Easement Holder Block Construction of a Road?
Parents deeded a portion of land to child for a house with mortgage. Child has access to his property through an existing road that is on his deed as a temporary access. It has been a road for the past 50 plus years. Because of mortgage guidelines a permanent easement was placed on the deed. There is no road and has never been a road - it is an easement on paper only. Child...
07/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Alabama | #17696