Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Case Dismissed With Prejudice Be Appealed?
After a case has been dismissed with prejudice, can the judge overule his order? Have letter stating same (dismissed with prejudice), judgement paid. Now debt collector lawyer is wanting moe for fees and interest. Motion to reset proceedings supplemental wanting answers to assets, property and income. Can this be done? We had paid what the court judgement stated, principal on ...
07/21/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Dismissal | State: Indiana | #17695Can a tenant legally withhold rent for repairs in Illinois?
I live in a 4 story, 3 unit apartment complex. My apartment is the bottom two floors, and my room is in the basement floor. On Saturday night, people from the 2nd floor apartment came downstairs to ask for a plunger to repair an overflowing toilet. A few minutes later, water started leaking through the ceiling on the first floor, and through the ceiling into the basement all...
07/21/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Illinois | #17694Are Funds From a Contract for Deed Exempt from Creditors?
I've been assigned a judgment against a debtor who sold a house CFD (MN). Is the income from that CFD exempt from collecting? Can I try to collect from the person paying the CFD? The debtor lives in Texas, the CFD home is in MN.
07/21/2009 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Minnesota | #17693Does a Lender Mark Note Paid in Full After Foreclosure and Return to Borrower?
Is it a normal procedure for Banks to return the signed original mortgage note stamped PAID In Full to the borrower after a non-judicial foreclosure?
07/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Hawaii | #17692How Do I File for Contempt in Georgia If My Ex Does Not Comply With Divorce Decree?
My divorce was final July 13th. She agreed to and the judge ordered that I receive 25% of her ESOP profit sharing, which is roughly $40,000. Now she says I'm not getting a dime. What is my first step to enforce the judges order?
07/21/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: Georgia | #17690Can I Get Damages for Landscaping Costs of Encroaching Area?
I landscaped a strip of land which was on my side of my neighbor's fence. The neighbor and I both thought it was my land. 2-3 days later, he came over and told me it was his land. We agreed that I could remove the trees in two weeks (so they would not die). Shortly thereafter, I received a letter from a lawyer saying the trees were now theirs and I could not remove them. Can I ...
07/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: Massachusetts | #17688Am I Entitled to Severance Pay or Palimony for Caretaker Duties?
gave full time care for a blind, diabetic lady for five years. Now she is hospice. Am I entitled for severance pay or palimony?
07/21/2009 | Category: Employment | State: California | #17687Can the County Control Where a Child is Placed Before Adoption?
If you are licensed by the state for foster care, can the county tell you legally that you can not foster kids for a private agency temporarily until the adoptive parents in another state can take them to their home state?
07/21/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Georgia | #17686Can I Break My Lease for Damage to My Apartment?
I had been drinking and locked myself out of my apartment. Called management, who refused to let me in and call police and had me taken to the hospital for detox - an unnecessary action and one I did not consent to. Upon my return my apartment had been trashed. Broken glass was everywhere and my vaccuum had been stolen. I now want out of my lease and wonder if I can take legal...
07/21/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Colorado | #17685How Do I Transfer Real Property as an Executor of an Estate?
I am the executrix of my father's will. My brother & I are to split his real estate. This is an amicable split. Which forms should I file for the deed to be listed in both of our names?
07/21/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Pennsylvania | #17681