Legal Questions and Answers
What is the statue of limitations for a last will & testament in Illinois?
What is the statue of limitations for a last will & testament for the state of Illinois?
06/08/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Illinois | #16897Do you have to have an operating agreement when forming an LLC?
A friend and I filed the papers with the state to form a LLC , but there was no written operating agreement between the two of us and he refuses to proceed with it. I asked him over and over and he either ignores me or says that he will, but continues to evade the issue. Do I need to force the issue and if so, how? We have gotten our LLC back from the state and have been oper...
06/08/2009 | Category: LLC | State: North Carolina | #16895Transferring Property into Limited Partnership in Washington
I need to know how to receive a basic limited partnership package for: 1)transferring our home into L.P.2) to hold a new mortgage through refinancing with wife as primary and husband as co-signer, if needed.
06/08/2009 | Category: Partnerships | State: Washington | #16894What are the requirements to sue in small claims court?
We hired a reccomended mover when we moved 15 miles to a new home. During the move a number of items disappeared and a $10,000 work of art was badly damaged. We told the mover we were only going to pay $1,000.00 of the $3,500.00 bill until we sorted this all out, 2 days later we were summoned to small claims court and we responded with a counter suit. When I interviewed the own...
06/08/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: South Carolina | #16893Is an unauthorized altered contract automatically null and void?
Is an unauthorized altered contract automatically null and void? A contract was entered and the other party changed the content of the contract and forged my initials before recording it at the court house. I need to know if this contract is now null and void automatically?
06/08/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Arkansas | #16892How would I have my juvenile criminal record expunged?
When my cousin was 14 years old, she got caught shoplifting. She is now 30 and works for an air line where she is always flying internationally. When she comes back, she is always pulled aside for an investigation check. Is there any solution to erase this record and avoid this situation?
06/07/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: California | #16891How would I terminate parental rights of a handicapped person I have raised?
I have had custody of a severely retarded girl for 14 of her 21 years. She has had multiple health issues, including seizures which are still not under control. Her mother (my sister in law) is making efforts to try to get her back. We don't think it is the best for the girl for several reasons. What options do we have? We live in Tennessee; her mom in St. Louis, Missouri.
06/07/2009 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Tennessee | #16890How do I establish guardianship of my mother who has dementia?
Dad died; son needs guardianship for mom and guardianship of assets and house. Mom has late stage dementia.
06/07/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Illinois | #16889What type of document is needed to show the temporary modification for child support?
I pay child support to my ex-husband. While he is out of the country for several months and our child is living with me, he has agreed to refund this child support. This child support is garnished from my wages. I need a document to use for this purpose.
06/07/2009 | Category: Modification | State: Texas | #16888Do I have to move in with my mom if she just got custody and I am 17?
My mom just got custody of me; I'm 17 years old. She's abusive and a drug addict but she refused to let me be emancipated and demands that I move into her home. What can I do?
06/07/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Oregon | #16887