Legal Questions and Answers
Can a married couple obtain a legal separation and both remain in the same house?
Can a married couple obtain a legal separation and remain in the same house?
06/10/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: North Carolina | #16917Is a County Worker Guilty of Trespass for Entering a Hole in My Fence?
If I have a fence up and there is an 8 foot opening in it, does that give a county worker the right to trespass?
06/09/2009 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Maryland | #16916In Texas, How do I Get Guardianship of a Minor?
My sister-in-law died 3 years ago and left behind a then 4 year old boy. Since then, my elderly mother-in-law has been caring for him. They live in Mississippi. They are moving in with me soon in the state of Texas. What do I need to do to obtain guardianship? The child's father agrees to sign anything we need to legally care for the child.
06/09/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #16915How Do I Get Former Husband to Comply With Divorce Decree?
My divorce decree stated that my ex was to take over a car loan and put it in his name, and get my name off of it. He has not done that. The car got stolen and found burned while in his possession. My insurance company denied the claim due to the lack of cooperation and communication from my ex. The finance company is coming after me and my credit is going bad due to this. I...
06/09/2009 | Category: Contempt | State: Washington | #16914Does an Enhanced Life Estate Deed Protect Against Liens on the Property?
My elderly mother had an Enhanced Life Estate Deed placed on her homesteaded and only home in March 2008. In February 2009 a creditor judgment had a lien placed on her home. Is an ELED supposed to protect against lien attachment? If so, how would the court/county clerk have processed this? Will the lien remain attached to her home so that when her remainderman takes possessio...
06/09/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #16913Can I Use an Heirship Affidavit to Collect Property of A Deceased in Florida?
My father passed away on 2/21/06 in Florida. All of his estate was dispersed except one fund and they require a small estate affidavit. Does Florida have a form for small estate affidavits, and where do I get it? Or, can I use an Illinois one?
06/09/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estate... | State: Illinois | #16912Is it unlawful to remove lateral support to adjacent land owners?
I have 20 acres of farm ground that is flood irrigated. A new school is being built adjacent to my field along the west line. They have excavated a retention pond close to my field and I am under the understanding that they are going to cut a portion of the ground abutting my field (approximately 3.5 feet away) and cut a road the will allow all runoff from the school to flow t...
06/09/2009 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: California | #16911What is the correct terminology for a monetary donation?
I have seen the wording 'Deed of Gift' used for charitable contributions of money as well as in-kind donations, but wonder if you agree that this is correct/satisfactory terminology for a monetary donation.
06/09/2009 | Category: Donations | State: New York | #16910What should we do with my father's assets before applying for government assistance programs?
My father-in-law lives in Mississippi. He is wanting to deed all of his assets and property into a family trust. His main two goals are:1. To protect his estate for his three adult children (with his oldest daughter as trustee) 2. Have all of his assets out of his name in the event he becomes ill (he is 87 years old) so he may qualify for Medicaid benefits later in his life....
06/08/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: Alabama | #16909Can I sue my stepson for taking advantage of his elderly father?
My stepson was joint owner on my husband's brokerage account when we married. There were no problems until the stepson found out he no longer had Power of Attorney. That coincided with my husband's doctor-ordered tenure in a nursing home with dementia as one of the problems. Behind my back, my stepson induced his befuddled father to hand over the entire brokerage which we u...
06/08/2009 | Category: Criminal » Elderly Abuse | State: Michigan | #16908