Legal Questions and Answers
Can we take daughter in law to court to get visitation rights?
I live in Montana. Our son is in the Marines, stationed in NC but deployed at the moment. Ex-daughter-in-law will not allow us any contact with our grandchildren. Can we take her to court to get visitation rights?
06/12/2009 | Category: Divorce » Grandparents... | State: Montana | #16945Noisy neighbor, condominium, Minnessota
We have a neighbor who continually has parties in the town home attached to 4 families. She awakens all of us many nights a week, at all hours of the night, with loud, rude, parting. The parties are in the garage with the door half open, in the drive way, or on the front steps. We live in an association that cannot do anything except tell us to call the police. The police have ...
06/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Minnesota | #16943New Jersey transfer taxes due upon sale of former residence
We've had our NJ property that -was- our Primary residence from 6/2000 to 1/2008 for sale since 2007. To begin establishing a client base at our home in PA we made that our new Primary residence Jan.2008 when the NJ property finally sells is there any unexpected additional taxes NJ is gonna hit us with besides the current Real Estate Transfer tax since we now live out of NJ (bu...
06/11/2009 | Category: Real Property | State: Pennsylvania | #16941Witness's false testimony, perjurious testimony
What is the word or term pertaining to a person with more than 2 felonies on there criminal, that this person would be most likely to lie under oath while being questioned on the stand? The judde presiding over my case had a pocket dictionary with the word I'm looking for (perpetuate) but i'm not sure of the spelling.
06/11/2009 | Category: Perjury | State: California | #16940Executor's compensation, California
I would like to know what the hourly salary of executors usually is.
06/11/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: California | #16938Common-law marriage in Texas
The man I have called my husband for over 2 1/2 years is leaving me for another woman he met over a weekend. I have been with him for about 5 years. We were never married because we were waiting until I finish school, December 2010. We have presented ourselves as a married couple to the public and in/on legal documents. I am 21 and he is 27 year old firefighter. We have commun...
06/11/2009 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Texas | #16937Has the legal defense of 'reliance' had success in defending a contract dispute?
My firm agreed to pay me a commission structure and when it came time to pay me, changed my status to what they call 'home office bonus eligible' so they could argue that I'm to be paid like all my bosses, zero. As a series 7 registered employee, I am required to use an arbitration panel to file any dispute. Has the legal defense of 'reliance' had success in defending a contrac...
06/11/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: New York | #16933Can a Sibling Force Me to Care for My Parent?
Does a younger sibling in Florida have legal options to force me to move our older parent to New Jersey where I reside? If so, do I have legal options to prevent this or prevent my sibling from deserting my parent? They have lived alone in separate residences in Florida for many years and my parent (80's) is healthy, clear minded, and independent and is eligible for future ass...
06/11/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: New Jersey | #16932Can an Affidavit Be Used in Virginia to Terminate Duty of Child Support?
I live in the state of Virginia and my boyfriend lives in Pennsylvania. I'm having his baby, but I want to release him from any financial obligation toward the baby (child support). Is an affidavit the correct way to go? Will an affidavit hold in court?
06/11/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Virginia | #16931How Do I Expunge Dropped Charges in Massachusetts?
I have a warrant on my record from June 4, 2007. The warrant was for a bogus assault and battery charge claimed by my underage son. The charges were dropped but I would like the charge expunged from my record and I want to know how long it will take for the process and can it be done?
06/10/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Massachusetts | #16928