Legal Questions and Answers
How do I adopt my niece so she can get education assistance?
How do adopt my niece? I want to adopt her so she can get education assistance under my dependent education assitance from the veterans administration.
04/29/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: ALL | #16447My wife needs me to act as her advisor when meeting with her employer about problems at work
My wife & I are both Doctors. She works for a medical corporation, she is having some problems. She would like me to be present during the discussions, as she feels intimidated. She doesn't want a lawyer. Is there a form where she can fill and sign to allow me to be present and help answer some of questions? More or less function as her advisor or representative in her presen...
04/29/2009 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #16446I was left a life insurance policy by my friend who passed but his wife is fighting me for the funds
I lived with my companion for 5 years. When he died he had left his life insurance to me. He was not divorced from his wife and now the wife has the insurance frozen and her attorney says that she will be the one to receive the insurance because of something having to do with her assets. I do not understand this fully and need advice.
04/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: ALL | #16445Can my brother prevent the liquidation of my parents home since he has resided there 10 years?
My parents live in Texas and have a will stating that all property is to be divided equally among their birth sons and daughters. My brother, his spouse and adopted, autistic, 10 yr old son have lived in my parents house for 10 yrs or more. My brother pays half of the electric bill, does odd jobs around the house and yard. In the event of my parents death, does my brother or ...
04/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: ALL | #16444I want to sell my LLC to another person
I have a GA LLC and want to sell all of the company to another person. What steps do I need to take?
04/29/2009 | Category: LLC | State: ALL | #16443Is there a form that would prevent my estate from going through probate?
I was told at a Financial Planning Seminar that I could include a certain statement in my Last Will and Testament that would avoid my estate from going through probate court. What is that statement?
04/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: ALL | #16442When I pass will be spouse be responsible for my credit card debt?
I have cancer. When I die will my wife be responsible for my credit card debt? She is not a Co- signer.
04/29/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: ALL | #16441How do my daughters obtain medical records of their deceased mother for insurance purposes?
My Daughters mother passed away, my ex wife. My daughters have been trying to get medical records and send to her life insurance. The doctors and hospital won't release and information. She got married 4 months before she passed way. He stopped them from getting any information. We believe the had something to do with it. My daughters are the only ones listed on the policy. He...
04/29/2009 | Category: Medical Records | State: ALL | #16440Can someone put up a sign in their front yard saying someone is a child predator?
Can someone put up a sign in their front yard saying someone is a child predator, is it their right under the 1st amendment? This is what the police have told me, is it true?
04/29/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: California | #16439My stepfather passed away and we are unclear about the working of the will
My stepfather passed away. He had six Kids [three are his, from another marriage, three are my moms from another marriage]I have read it two ways: My mother gets half of joint property, mother gets her half and half of half. Can you clarify?
04/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #16438