Legal Questions and Answers
How can I get a copy of my dad's will since my step mother is not cooperating?
My dad passed away recently and I know he had a will and some money was set aside for me and my brother. My mom passed away 20 years ago and my dad remarried 12 years ago.Therefore I have a step-mom who told me a week before my dad passed that she thought she would give my brother and me 'the money' a little at a time instead of all at once. Then on the day we buried dad she sa...
04/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Texas | #16359If my son and I were both on the deed and we have sold the house, what forms are needed?
My son's name is on the deed to my house. I sold the house in an Agreement for the Deed. I need to assign my son's half of the house to the buyer, but only after the buyer has paid in full. What form can I use?
04/29/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: ALL | #16358Is it necessary for the Buyer to satisfy the judgment prior to purchasing the property?
Property owned by Joint Tenants with right of survivorship was forclosed upon and judgment entered (Writ of Execution - Mortgage Foreclosure filed. Sheriff's Sale was scheduled and Stayed by Mortgee who charged off debtor's account. The property was abandoned and is in poor condition. Mortgee has agreed to satisfy $62,000 mortgage upon payment of $15,000 by Buyer. No equity...
04/29/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Pennsylvania | #16357Who would a mechanic's lien be filed with to become legal?
We need to file a mechanic's lien today for a balance due on a 9/08 residential contruction job. Do we need to file it with the court or just the town clerk's office?
04/29/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Vermont | #16356What can I do about terminating my lease early since I am being transferred at my job?
I live in the state of Texas. I have a 1 year lease that I am two months into. The agency that I work for is requiring me to move out the state. I went to talk to the apartment managers and they were not willing to work with me at all. I even provided with them paperwork as proof. What can I do?
04/29/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Texas | #16355If I leave my husband would it considered abandonment since he is disabled?
I am getting a divorce from my husband and he says I will have to pay him alimony if I desert him. He makes $2,000 from his job and he is on disability and he receives another $1800.00. I only bring home $2500.00 monthly. He has a home only his name on it. If I leave him since he has nothing to do with me would it be considered abandonment? He has diabetes and a bad heart.
04/28/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: ALL | #16354What is an affadavit of heirship?
My mom left no will, but stated that she wanted my sister to stay in the house. Taxes are due, my sister is diabled, so she would get a exemption. The tax office wants me and my brother to sign an affadavit of heirship. What does this mean if we sign this form? Are we giving up our rights to the property?
04/28/2009 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: ALL | #16353Could my brother go to prison for manufacturing marijuana if he has no criminal past?
My brother was charged with manufacturing marijuana, possession with intent to sell, and deliver marijuana, maintaining a dwelling for a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia after 24 young plants were discovered in his bedroom closet. He is 36 years old, very gainfully employed making $65,000 a year, and without a criminal past. He has recently been into ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: ALL | #16352Could a parent company be bound to a contract because a subsidiary is?
If a wholly owned subsidiary signed an exclusive teaming agreement with another company, does this exclusivity also bind the parent company?
04/28/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: ALL | #16351How is it determined in a divorce who gets what property?
I live in NH, have 3 children (13, 7, & 3) & married for 9 years. My husband adopted the 13 year old. We've had our home for 5 years. Although we're joint tenants on the deed, he's the only mortgagor on the mortgage. How does this play out in terms of divorce?
04/28/2009 | Category: Divorce | State: New Hampshire | #16350