Legal Questions and Answers
Does the amount of rent paid in the lease have any bearing on its legality?
I am leasing a commercial warehouse space from my wife's family for a symbolic fee of $100.00 (One hundred) a year. The property is in a trust and my mother-in-law is the trustee that signed the lease with me. I have all the cleared checks. Even if I am paying almost nothing, is my lease a legal document? Can anybody force us to break it or declare it VOID due to symbolic fee? ...
04/28/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: ALL | #16222What are the requirements for me to receive my deceased husband's social security benefits?
I lived with my husband begining June 1992 the marriage started in Washington D.C. and we stayed there 2 weeks and moved to his home in Maryland and and lived there until his death July 1995. We were not legally married until March 1995. We also spent a week in Alabama during this period of time however his divorce was not final until 1994 after I first moved to D.C. and aft...
04/27/2009 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: West Virginia | #16221What can I do if someone placed a restraining order on me based on lies?
What can I do if I recieved a restraining order by a girl that had almost all false statements on it, and it claims I pushed her but I did not, what can I do to bring justice?
04/27/2009 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Kansas | #16220What does it mean when you work in a law office and you see on legal documents pursuant to Rule 9A?
What does it mean when you work in a law office and you see on legal documents pursuant to Rule 9A. What does 9A mean?
04/27/2009 | Category: Courts | State: Massachusetts | #16219How can I bring a gold bar to the US legally for sale?
I will be traveling to the United States soon and I have a 1 kg gold bar that I would like to take to the U.S. to sell; I will be carrying it on me. Do I have to declare it? what is the legal way to proceed?
04/27/2009 | Category: Immigration » Passports | State: Florida | #16218Limits on Dog Ownership in Texas
After living in my home for 13 years, one of my dogs got out of my wooden 6 foot fence. I immediately called the police department who transferred me to animal control. I told them that my dog was 1 year old and just neutered. I heard someone in the background say that hadn't picked up anything like that. Two weeks later animal control pounded on my door; which my wife answ...
04/27/2009 | Category: Animals | State: Texas | #16217I signed a bond with my property as collateral and now the bonding company wants to take my property
I put up property apperance bond with a bail bonding company and it was explained to me if the person did not appear a lein would be placed on my property. I was told the person failed to appear. The bonding company told me unless I could come up with 35,000.00 dollars they were going to take my property. They said the kind of bond I signed was a deed to secure debit with pow...
04/27/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: ALL | #16216Would a copy of the Will be available for viewing somewhere?
We have a Revocable Living Trust Agreement and a Will that we states the Trustee is to distribute property as stated on a seperate, dated writing, in existence at the time of death. We believe wishes are not being carried out according to this writing but we have not seen a copy of said writing. Don't these records become public after death? There is also a clause in the will t...
04/27/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: ALL | #16215What are the proper procedures for eviction when tenants have violated the lease?
My house is in Ohio and I just found out from the realtor my tenants have 2 pets a dog and a cat in the house. The lease states 'Tenants not permitted to keep any pets on the premise'. Can I terminate their contract and have them to vacate the premise by giving them 30 days notice?
04/27/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Ohio | #16214Are royalties considered a non-probate asset?
Are royalties considered a non-probate asset?
04/27/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: ALL | #16213