Legal Questions and Answers
Providing Information to Current Employer on Former Employer by Employee
What information can a former employee give a prospective employer about a former employer within the law?
04/27/2009 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #16151Can an ex-girlfriend get guardianship/custody of my child?
Can an ex-girlfriend get guardianship/custody of my child?
04/27/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: ALL | #16150What is the best way for me to ensure that I retain possession of the marital home?
I got married to a man who has 3 children from his previous marriage. Now they are older than 25 and my husband and I are paying for a house and have two young children. The deed is in his name. I would like to know if in case he dies, can his first's marriage children claim some property of the house? What is the best way to assure I will have the property of this house?
04/27/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: ALL | #16149Am I legally responsible for the back pay of discounted childcare?
I work as a speech therapist for a school district through a contract agency. When I registered my son for daycare at the district I was offered a 20% employee discount. I stated I was a contractor and was told I was still eligible for the discount. Now, 10 months later they say that was wrong and I owe the 20% due by the end of the month ($1300). Can they take back the discou...
04/27/2009 | Category: Employment » Independent ... | State: ALL | #16148Can my husband kick me out of the house if we are both on the deed?
My husband and I are married and both on the title to our house of 7 years. When we talk about splitting up, divorce he tells me he will kick me out of the house and if I don't go he will throw me out. Who legally can stay in the house.
04/27/2009 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: ALL | #16147What are my legal rights to my granchildren while my son is incarcerated?
My son is in jail.We hope he is getting out of jail soon. His kids went with other grandmother I lived in another state, and my son wanted me to take them home to the other state. I was told it would be difficult since I lived in another state. I moved to this state where the kids are. School is out and they want to come live with me. The other grandmother is physically and men...
04/27/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: ALL | #16146Would the time in which the prenup was signed be grounds for a divorce?
My wife and I have a prenuptial that was initially worked upon three months in advance but was not signed until 1 week before we were married. It has a sunset clause in 10 years. We have been married for 4 years. It is her second marriage;my first. We are 53 yrs old. Will it hold well if we were to divorce because of when it was signed? I asked her to delay marriage but she wa...
04/27/2009 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: ALL | #16145How does my mother sell property that once belonged to her and my deceased father?
My father passed away twenty-five years ago and his name is still on a deed for a property that my mother now has an opportunity to sell. The deed has the property as theirs jointly, as husband and wife, but does not specify any TYPE of joint relationship further than that. I'm assuming that I need to file a death certificate for my father with the Chester Registry of Deeds, a...
04/27/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #16144What can I do to have my record expunged or corrected since the charges are incorrect?
Can a record be expunged if the charges on the record are not accurately stated? This is causing conflict with me pursuing a better job offer. I was charged in Manchester, TN (federal offense) but now reside in Alabama. I was sentenced out of the Southern district of TN. I am in need of a correction or expungement due to an error in the statement. This error is causing me a...
04/27/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Alabama | #16142What can I do if I feel I was discriminated against at work?
What would be the course of action for a written reprimand given to an employee that contained untrue statements, slander, defamation of character and threatening gestures (pointing of finger in face)?
04/27/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Virginia | #16141