Legal Questions and Answers
How can we find out who property belongs to now that mother is deceased?
In Louisiana my father donated property to my brother, it didn't have the correct legal description. Then he turned around and donated it to my niece and son, with the correct description after this my brother had a correction filed. Some of the property still had my deceased mothers name on it. Her will is just now being taken through sucession. Who does the property belong...
04/25/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #16129Are assets held in joint tenant accounts protected from judgements of one owner?
Are assets held in joint tenant accounts protected from judgements filed against only one of the joint tenants?
04/25/2009 | Category: Judgments | State: Illinois | #16128Is an auto title held by a loan company reported to the DMV?
Is an auto title held by a loan company reported to the DMV? Can I apply for a duplicate claiming that the original was lost?
04/25/2009 | Category: Fraud | State: South Carolina | #16127What ways can a contractor lose there lien rights?
What ways can a contractor lose there lien rights?
04/24/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Florida | #16126Where can I find a motion and a proposed order to transfer a divorce case?
I need a motion and a proposed order to transfer a divorce case to Miami, Dade County, Florida.
04/24/2009 | Category: Venue | State: Florida | #16125What does it mean when a service mark can not be
I wish to register a service mark. I am using the words 'Planetary Psychology' as a service mark. I am trying to understand the requirements that it cannot be 'merely descriptive.' I did have these words as a service mark in California but it expired. I have to re-register, but now I am wondering if these words fall under 'merely descriptive' and will not be service marked. Wha...
04/24/2009 | Category: Copyrights | State: California | #16124How would I get a Power of Attorney for my husband who is overseas for financial purposes?
Can I get Power of Attorney papers drawn up online? My husband is in Iraq and I am trying to get a loan that he is okay with but they require Power of Attorney papers or his signature.
04/24/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #16123Emancipation and Duty to Provide Support in Georgia
Does GA law state emancipation if child drops out of highschool? My ex has given permission for my children to drop out without my consent. I am wondering if I still owe child support until they are 18 if they are no longer in school or pursuing GED.
04/24/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Georgia | #16122What can I do if I think I have been the victim of a scam?
I adopted 3 yorkie puppies from Scotland. The person who had them told me I had to pay only $450.00 to ship them here (US). I sent the money. Then, the carrier service said they needed $2200.00 more for sales contract and import papers. After I paid that, they needed $1250.00 for permit papers and insurance I paid that, then they needed $5450.00 transfer of registration papers...
04/24/2009 | Category: Fraud | State: Florida | #16121Can my brother force me into giving power of attorney to him?
My Power of Attorney says I can delegate any or all of the authority. Is it transferable or assignable? My brother wants (is trying to force) me to give it to him. Is this allowed?
04/24/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #16120