Legal Questions and Answers
How do I file a lawsuit against someone for a personal loan?
A man owes me $18,500. I have his note, evidence of payments, evidence of demand for payment, evidence of default. What form do I use to file a lawsuit and obtain judgment?
04/27/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Idaho | #16140What can we do about the tree's our neighbor's planted causing damage to our property?
The neighbors planted redwood trees over a water drain or culvert The trees are about one hundred feet tall and the tree branches are hanging over the fence by twelve feet our back yard is starting to sink causing damage to our cement patio. Were worried that the ground is saturated with water in winter and the trees could fall on top of our house which is only twenty feet from...
04/26/2009 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: California | #16139How would a father gain custody or visitation if he and the mother were never married?
The mother is living in a cohabitation environment with another man and father (which were never married). The father is being denied visitation of his child and needs legal advice on custody. The mother is living in Florida in a cohabitation environment, unmarried and is denying father visitation privileges of his child. No legal agreements were ever made upon their splitting...
04/26/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Georgia | #16138Will I have to travel to New York adn attend hearing for motion to dismiss?
I had a judgement and it was just vacated several days ago. In New York civil court. I am living in California for several years now. I used lived in New York 5 years ago. I did not receive anything from plaintiff so it was default judgment. (plaintiff sent complaints to the old New York address. I want to know if I can file motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. ...
04/26/2009 | Category: Courts » Dismissal | State: New York | #16137Do I have rights if I am the birth father but another man signed the birth certificate?
I would like to know what are the rights of a father if the mother has another man sign the birth certificate in Pennsylvania. I would like to know my rights if someone else signs the birth certificate. Can I petition for a paternity test?
04/26/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Pennsylvania | #16136How do I cash refund checks that are in my deceased husband's name?
My husband died suddenly on 3/4/08. He left no will. I recently received 2 refund checks in his name ($280 and $340). My bank won't cash them because they are payable to him. Is there a form that I can fill out to submit to my bank?
04/26/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #16135Is the church entitled to return my money for the unusable burial plot I paid for?
If a cemetary lot I puchased is probed and determined to be unusable for any interment (including cremated remains in urns, does the metary have to provide a free replacement lot?The church's position is that since the other grave we purchased was determined to be suitable for two interments, then they do not have to provide a replacement for the unusable lot. This was never st...
04/26/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Pennsylvania | #16134Can I terminate the lease and get my deposit back if I have not even moved in?
I recently signed a one year lease to take effect on the 30th of this month, due to the landlord not following through with prior agreements, I want to terminate the lease... Can I get the money back I paid for the deposit and one month rent? The house is still trashed and nothing has been prepared, I have trucks loaded to move and cant because nothing is done.
04/25/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: California | #16132What legal action can be taken against a seller of a used car if there are mechanical issues?
Is there any legal action that can be taken against a personal seller of a used car if mechanical trouble occurs after the sale of the vehicle? I was the seller of this vehicle and actually put $3,200 into the vehicle prior to selling it to where according to my mechanic it could be sold in good conscious as a dependable vehicle. Now, several weeks after the sale of the vehicle...
04/25/2009 | Category: Consumer » Unfair Pract... | State: South Carolina | #16131Can I terminate my lease if I just signed it less than a week ago?
Can I cancel my yearly lease agreement without damages if my lease term has not yet begun and I just signed the lease less than a week ago?
04/25/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Kansas | #16130