Legal Questions and Answers
What happens to the encroachment of our fence now that our neighbor's are selling their home?
Unbeknownst to us, we have encroached upon our neighbor's land when installing a fence that was necessary to meet code for a swimming pool. This took place 13 years ago. 7 years ago we shared the cost of a survey and marking of the corners between our lots. That was when we discovered this mistake. Is there such a thing as squatters rights? Or something like that. My neighbors ...
03/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: New Jersey | #15829What form is needed to add me to my sister's home that I have assumed the loan on?
I purchased a home from my sister on 10/1/04. I gave her $5000 down and took over payments. I have been making payments since then to the mortgage company, and the home remains in her name. What legal form do I need to fill out so that I don't lose the home if something were to happen to her. I am a single parent with a minor child and do not want to lose my home.
03/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: New Mexico | #15828Does the division of property need to be included in the divorce decree?
On the petition form, under discovery, level 1 asks about less than $50,000 in property. Does this include a house with a mortgage? We are trying to sell the house and have agreed to split any profit or debt associated. We also agree to divide community property on our own, so does property need to be itemized on the decree form?
03/31/2009 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Texas | #15826What is the penalty for misdemeanor larceney in North Carolina?
What is the penalty for misdemeanor larceney? ($185.00 and damages to property $200.00)
03/31/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: North Carolina | #15825What rights does my daughter have to fight the plagiarism charges against her by the school?
I am the mother of a student who attends college in New York. She is undergoing disciplinary action for academic honesty violation for plagiarism. Basically she submitted a research proposal in APA style without including quotations when citing other sources. She did site sources, but did so incorrectly because she has a learning disability and misinterpreted conflicting info...
03/31/2009 | Category: Education » Student Rights | State: Washington | #15824Is it illegal for the company to disclose personal information regarding my medical leave?
I am a manager at a large retail company. In May I went on an fmla leave due to my alcoholism and sought help. Recently it has come to my knowledge that our HR manager told several other people the reason I was on medical leave. Is there a legal issue regarding the disclosure of this information by HR?
03/30/2009 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: New Jersey | #15823If the Contractor is a Corporation and files Bankruptcy is the property owner liable for materials?
If the Contractor is a Corporation and declares Bankruptcy, is the property owner liable to material man?
03/30/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Georgia | #15822Who owns a motorcycle that someone bought over two years ago but never picked up from me?
Two years ago an individual purchased a BMW motorcycle from me. The value was approximately $10,000 and that was the purchase price. He paid with a Suntrust cashier's check and I gave him a notarized bill of sale. The date was March 16, 2007. The title was delivered to me one week later. The individual communicated that he would be back in two weeks to get the bike. He never ca...
03/30/2009 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Tennessee | #15821What is a vagrancy offense involving moral turpitude?
What is a vagrancy offense involving moral turpitude?
03/30/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: Texas | #15820How do I insure my visitation rights in the event of a split?
My girlfriend and I had a child out of wedlock. The baby has my last name on the birth certificate and I pay child support. How do I insure my visitation rights in the event of a split?
03/30/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Ohio | #15819