Legal Questions and Answers
Is a 'beneficiary deed' a legal term or is it used to denote transfer of property to a beneficiary?
Is a 'beneficiary deed' a legal term or is it used to denote transfer of property to a beneficiary either by quitclaim or by warranty deed?
02/07/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #15192What defense should I use against the family purpose doctrine for a deceased spouses medical bills?
What defense should I use against the family purpose doctrine for a deceased spouses medical bills?
02/07/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Colorado | #15191Does a Mortgage Company have an obligation to send a Lender a Notice of Right to Cure Default?
My Mortgage Company has been working on a Loan Modification on my mortgage for over 2 months. During those months, my mortgage has slipped into the 90 days past due category. While working on the Loan Modification, the Company informed me on multiple occasions (I called them approximately 3 times each month for the 2 months they were 'working' on the LM) that no monthly payme...
02/07/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Michigan | #15190Injury related to animal lease laws
A neighbors dog has been getting into a garbage can and spreading garbage all over the road. For the fourth time, I chased the dog away, only this time I tripped and fell and injured my face. The dog was in the street, I fell chasing him away on the park strip of grass, my face hit the gutter.
02/07/2009 | Category: Animals | State: Utah | #15189How do I file a complaint against an attorney I hired to represent me?
I hired an attorney at a $400 rate to bring suit vs a person I sold property to for breach of contact. About one year into the lawsuit, I discovered from the Supreme Court Judge, that my attorney had missed 4 scheduled court hearings on my case. I had to continue to pay the $400 hourly fee that I was quoted for the attorney I hired but now was assigned to a lesser qualified man...
02/07/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New York | #15188What can I do if my ex husband as broken the items that I was awarded in the divorce?
My husband and I just recently divorced and he was left to live at our residence for 1 month after I moved out. When he moved out, he took the entire house full of items even though we hadn't split everything yet. Just recently, we had come to an agreeable division of the belongings and I have to pick them up from his residence (I have a restraining order against him). What ha...
02/07/2009 | Category: Personal Pro... » Bailments | State: Massachusetts | #15187Is an undated promissory note legal?
Is an undated promissory note legal?
02/07/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: New York | #15186What can I do legally to have them park at least one of their vehicles out in the street area?
I rent two units. Unit one has two bedrooms, Unit two has one bedroom. Unit 1 wants to park 2 large vans and a medium car next to their unit, unit 2 wants to park 1 large van and a medium car next to his unit which causes unit 1 to have to squeeze their vans and cars into the fenced in yard. This is causing many problems. What can I do legally to have them park at least one of ...
02/06/2009 | Category: Parking | State: California | #15185What can I do to establish paternity of my wife's child that may not be mine?
I married a woman that illegally came into the United States. She is still married in Brazil. She is now pregnant and I'm not sure it's my child. What should i do?
02/06/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Connecticut | #15184I can be forced to sell my part of the medical practice as a part of the divorce?
My wife and I are divorcing after 43 years of marriage. We jointly own 60% of my medical (pediatric) practice, She is demanding a buyout (which neither I nor the practice can afford). I have offered generous alimony (50% of my salary and health insurance) and suggested that she hold her ownership position in the Practice. Her attorney continues to insist on a 'buyout'. The Prac...
02/06/2009 | Category: Contracts » BuySell Agre... | State: Pennsylvania | #15183