Legal Questions and Answers
What forms can I use to protect myself when subleasing my car?
I can no longer afford the lease on my automobile. I have an interested party that wants to sub lease the auto from me. I understand I am still liable to the dealer but what forms can I use to protect myself from theft, payment, and damage?
01/29/2009 | Category: Automobiles » Lease | State: California | #15104What can I do to force my sister to sell her half of the home we inherited?
My father passed away over 3 years ago. Before hid death he gave my sister half of his house and in his will gave her everything which later on he told us she was forcing him to do. But before he passed away he was able to change his will but not half ownership of his house so he gave me and my 2 brothers his half. Since he passed we had to go to court because she fought him ch...
01/29/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Massachusetts | #15103What is the length of time covered by law a new home contractor is responsible for defective work?
I live in North Carolina; What is the length of time covered by law a new home contractor is responsible for defective workmanship? My builder installed two layers of tile on the shower floor and now I have a water problem. I'm told that this should not have been done and is not industry standard. The flooring will have to be torn out and replaced. The house is 4 years old. I h...
01/29/2009 | Category: Warranties | State: North Carolina | #15101What does a Power of Attorney allow me to do?
Does this Power of Attorney language I commonly see draw, accept, endorse or otherwise deal with any checks or other commercial or mercantile instruments for my benefit have to do with my checking account?
01/29/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Florida | #15100If my license was revoked for a third DUI in a 10 year period is there any way possible to appeal?
If my license has been revoked for a third DUI in a 10 year period, is there any way possible to appeal for reinstatement before the 10 year requirement?
01/29/2009 | Category: Drivers Lice... » Drivers Hard... | State: Oregon | #15099What are the requirements to have my record expunged?
A few years ago, I got a harassment charge which I plead guilty to. It was domestic related and very unfair. I plead guilty because I was embarrassed and I did not want to tell my story. I didn't realize how it would affect my life. I am a nurse and did not think about job applications, etc. I am a very compassionate and easy going person and am no threat to anyone. I hav...
01/29/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Pennsylvania | #15098What are my options to have funds held in trust until arbitrator can help resolve issues?
I have a situation where I am being asked to close on a property that was jointly owned by myself and ex-spouse. Some time ago the realtors asked if they could drop the price of the condo since we had received no offers since August 2008. I agreed, but the ex-spouse refused. The divorce decree stated the property (an ocean front condo) was to be sold, with full cooperation by b...
01/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Florida | #15097Is an oral contract legal and binding?
If the tenant and landlord have a verbal agreement that the tenant will install new carpet at the termination of the three-year lease does this constitute an oral contract and a legal amendment to the written Rental Agreement under Hawaii law?
01/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Oral | State: Rhode Island | #15096How do I divorce my wife if I am in a different country?
I am living in China as an expatriate. I am on assignment for my job that will last for two years; I have been here for six months. My wife and son (11) are living in Nampa, Idaho. I want to divorce my wife. Are there any special considerations due to my circumstances?
01/29/2009 | Category: Divorce » International | State: Idaho | #15095Can the police still persue charges if the victim is willing to drop them?
If something was taken, reported to the police, assigned to a detective, and the owner later agrees to drop the charges, will the police still press charges?
01/28/2009 | Category: Criminal » NonProsecuti... | State: Texas | #15094