Legal Questions and Answers
As beneficiary of my brother's life insurance would I have to use it to pay off any debts?
I am beneficiary and executor on my brother's will and life insurance policy. Being beneficiary of the life insurance policy, would I have to use it to pay off any outstanding debts of my brothers at his death?
01/27/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: South Carolina | #15082Which state do I choose for the formatted prenuptial forms?
I am on active duty and will be married in April 2009. I would like to get a prenuptial agreement established online with US Legal but am unsure of the state to choose. My fiancee and I are living in New Mexico and will be getting married in Kentucky; I am a resident and home owner in Washington State. Which state do I choose for the formatted prenuptial forms?
01/27/2009 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: New Mexico | #15081If we release a lien on a property can we later put a lien on it again if needed?
If we release a lien on a property, can we later put a lien on it again if needed?
01/27/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Illinois | #15080Is it legal for me to take a finders fee with a company to introduce them to other companies?
I am not a broker or securities dealer. Is it lawful for me to execute a finders fee agreement with a company (seller) to introduce them to other companies for the purpose of the introduced company to invest equity in the selling company?
01/27/2009 | Category: Contracts » Finder's Fee | State: Minnesota | #15079What can I do to force tenants to now sign a lease agreement so that I am not taken advantage of?
I have rented two rooms in my home basically making it a shared residence. I made the mistake of letting the tenants move in without signing the rental lease agreements and after confronting them with the terms of the agreement they are now refusing to sign the lease. One of the tenants is also refusing to fill out and return the rental application which would give me the perti...
01/27/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Guests | State: Virginia | #15077How do I answer a complaint for foreclosure and how long do I have?
My husband and I have been served a summons and a notice of Lis Pendens regarding foreclosure of our home. We were served on January 10th and have 20 days to respond. I am not sure what we are planning to do, but I want to answer the complaint so action is not immediately taken against us. My question is, what format does the answer require? Is it a specific form or a letter an...
01/27/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Florida | #15076How can I get a 20 year charge expunged from my record?
When I was 23, I was convicted of shoplifting (a misdemeanor). This was over 20 years ago in Alabama. Since then I have no convictions. Can this be expunged and how do I start the process?
01/27/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Tennessee | #15075Is there a legal contract for my stepfather to sign stating he would provide for me adn my daughter?
After years of being sexually harassed by my stepfather he has finally backed down after me continually stating that is wrong. I will never succumb myself to that and that he should start thinking of going elsewhere for that need to be met. He raised me. He is the only father that I have ever known. When he and my mother asked my daughter and I to move in with them, I did the c...
01/27/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Georgia | #15074Where can I find a form to dissolve a LLC partnership?
I need a form to dissolve a LLC partnership. I am not dissolving LLC company.
01/27/2009 | Category: Corporations » Corporate Di... | State: Wisconsin | #15073In a work related accident will employer cover the bills even if they do not offer medical benefits
My employer is not paying the supplemental benefits alleging that they are paying vacations and sick days to all full timers. Also, in case of a work related accident they will cover the expenses even though they do not offer any medical benefits.
01/27/2009 | Category: Employment » Benefits | State: New York | #15072