Legal Questions and Answers
When I issue a business check to an individual, can I require that he endorse it by his signature?
When I issue a business check to an individual, can I require that he endorse it by his handwritten signature? If so, how?
01/26/2009 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Endorsement | State: Virginia | #15071How do I petition the courts for money they are holding in an accident case that was resolved?
How do I petition the courts for money they are holding in an accident case that was resolved. My lawyer died right when case was settled.
01/26/2009 | Category: Courts » Settlements | State: Pennsylvania | #15070How do I amend a petition for show cause?
I am needing to amend a petition to show cause. How do I do that?
01/26/2009 | Category: Courts » Pleadings | State: Illinois | #15069What can I do to force the other party to pay a portion of the judgment entered against us?
I am currently paying on a rental judgment from 8 years ago and am close to paying the original amount they asked for; however, they have added fees/interest when I was not employed here and there and now the balance owing is higher than the initial charge - what can I do? I have remained in contact with them the entire time and always provided legitimate contact information. ...
01/26/2009 | Category: Judgments | State: Colorado | #15068What do I do if my mother passed with no will?
My mother passed away on January 9. She had no will and we had not been able to obtain a Power of Attorney before she passed. She rented her home and other than personal belongings had no assets except for a small bank account and a vehicle that was paid for. Except for medicare and monthly expenses such as electricity,rent, etc., she had no outstanding bills. I have been looki...
01/25/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Washington | #15067Can working hours be chagned to force teachers to bus duty?
Our principal is trying to make teachers keep students in the classroom after school ends for a total of more than 6 hours a day direct instruction with students. Last period lasts from 2:35-4:15, students still attached to teacher when school should be declared over. Working hours have recently been changed in an attempt to force teachers to hold students until their buses ar...
01/25/2009 | Category: Employment » Hours | State: Texas | #15066Can my brother relinquish his Power of Attorney to me since he lives so far away?
My brother has Power of Attorney for my Mom who just passed away. It would be much easier to settle everything If I had it because he lives so far away. How can he relinquish it and give it to me?
01/25/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #15065How can a person get his criminal record expunged in the state of Pennsylvania?
Can a person get his/her criminal record expunged in the state of Pennsylvania?
01/25/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Pennsylvania | #15064Can a house, car, some stock, and a 401k be put into a trust?
Can a house, car, some stock, and a 401k be put into a trust so no one can force you to hand your assets over because of a lawsuit?
01/24/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Colorado | #15063If a fence is built on the property line where are the posts set?
My neighbor and I agreed 2 years ago to share the cost of rebuilding a fence that has been in place since 1947. At my neighbors request, a survey of his lots was made to obtain a permit to rebuild his home. Nothing to do with the fence. The surveyor paid by him put the fence 2 feet inside his property. A fact that was revealed to me after we started demolishing the fence a week...
01/24/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: California | #15062