Legal Questions and Answers
How do I collect when a judgement has been entered?
My company received a 'Bond Discharging Mechanic's Lien' (bond # KO 7979058) document, which acknowledges judgment in favor of my company. How do I proceed to collect the money?
01/28/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: New York | #15093What recourse do I have to obtain the good paid for by the fundraiser?
I did a fundraiser with an out of state company. I have sent the company their funds and I have not received products. I cannot reach this company; they will not return calls or emails. I have to give account to the people who ordered the products. What can I do?
01/28/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: South Carolina | #15091If I lay someone off, can I hire a replacement for less money and not offer the job back to laidoff?
If I lay someone off, can I hire a replacement for less money and not offer the job back to the person I have laid off?
01/28/2009 | Category: Employment | State: New Jersey | #15090How can I legally obtain a copy of my beother's will if I was listed in it?
My brother passed away 2 weeks ago; my sister was left as the person to carry out his will. My other brother passed away 2 years ago, so it's only my sister and myself. My brother had three children, they haven't seen each other for over 20 years. Only the daughter started to come around recently. My sister and I met at my brothers apartment and she read me the will. I can not ...
01/28/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: New York | #15089Is a property owner obligated to trim trees that hang onto my property?
Is there a Trespassing Law regarding my yard when large limbs and branches of trees overhang or go over the neighbors property-the roof to my home which covers two bedrooms? I live in the Mountains of Idyllwild. This year we have had more damage onto homes and property due to trees breaking, even if they are in good health. I am concerned for the safety of people that use thos...
01/27/2009 | Category: Trees | State: California | #15088Is it possible to place a lien on property that I have paid for but is in my sister's name?
My cousin's wife let my husband and me use her credit and name to purchase the home we live in now. She has never put any money toward the house, purchased insurance, or paid taxes. She did; however, ask to borrow our equity to purchase a semi-truck for their work. Well, now she is trying to take the house from us. I would like to put a lien on our house so she cannot sell ...
01/27/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: California | #15087What waivers or forms need to be signed to protect me from law suits if I start cleaning business?
I want to do house cleaning for the elderly. What waivers or forms need to be signed to protect me from law suits (injury/damage/liability)?
01/27/2009 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Wisconsin | #15086What are my legal options if I am required to be transported to work station in an unsafe bus?
I am a civilian employee working on a military base. Due to construction, I am required to park in a designated parking lot and be picked up by a bus and transported to my workplace. The buses have high steps that are not lit up making it hard to see. They are buses used to transport military personnel. The buses are not heated or air conditioned and the windows cannot be opene...
01/27/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #15085What can I do if my hairdresser refuses to give my original hair I paid for back?
I had a hair restoration treatment done. When I returned to have the hair serviced the hairdresser replaced the hair I had with an inferior type of hair. I paid $410 for the hair I had prior to the service rendered. The hairdresser refused to return the hair I paid for. What can I legally do?
01/27/2009 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: Tennessee | #15084Do I have the right to decide where I die, at home or in a hospital?
Do I have the right to decide where I die, at home or in a hospital? Also, where can I get more information on this?
01/27/2009 | Category: Living Wills | State: Arizona | #15083