Legal Questions and Answers
Where can I find an answer to a complaint to help guide me in preparing my own to file?
I need to file an answer to a complaint by tomorrow. I can't find the form to use. I am now the appealee in this action. I am a senior citizen and need to file it myself.
02/01/2009 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Pennsylvania | #15117On a commercial rental with no lease, who absorbs the cost on a furnace that needs minor repairs?
On a commercial rental with no lease, who absorbs the cost on a furnace that needs minor repairs?
01/31/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Pennsylvania | #15115How do I change my name back to my birth name if my mother never legally changed it in 1947?
I was born in 1944. My birth Certificate has my birth name. When my mother re-married in 1947 she never changed my last name legally but gave me my step-father's last name. I have been known by that last name since. I want to go back to my birth name on my birth certificate. How do I do that?
01/31/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: California | #15114Do I have a lawsuit for damages since I have had problems from a mask I was required to wear?
At my employer, I was told that I had to go on a tour of a steel plant. Due to my mild asthma condition, I asked them to provide me with a mask. The mask did not come in a plastic container, but I was told it was clean. The next day I broke out in horrible acne and have been breaking out ever since I wore that mask. It has been a month and a half since the incident. Is this s...
01/31/2009 | Category: Personal Injury | State: Ohio | #15113Is a paragraph in a trust revokable?
When I have a Trust and am the Settlor and Trustee and I want to revoke paragraph 6B of my original Trust and rewrite it, can I do that? Is it called a Codicil or Addendum? Does it then go through Probate, even though the original Trust doesn't. Is there a form that I could use for this purpose?
01/31/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: Nevada | #15112Is that fair that I should have to pay attorney fees for a court error that was totally not my fault
I hired an attorney under a contingency from a law firm I originally used to set up my business in Michigan about 6 months ago, to collect a debt owed to me from an ex-partner for services rendered. There was no contract. It was more like a 1099 agreement. But I have ample proof (signed service reports from my ex-partner's customers) that I gave to my attorney to pursue collect...
01/31/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Michigan | #15111How do I contest my aunt's will?
my aunt died leaving a will that left 1 house to be divided between 2 nieces and 2 nephews, and 1 house to another relative to include all possessions and a vehicle. she had that will made in the hospital heavily medicated and mad. problem is just 3-4 days before she died suddenly, she had told several family members what she had done and was trying to change the will so all ni...
01/30/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Illinois | #15109Am I obligated to report someone who is taking advantage of section 8 housing?
I am a property manager for a Section 8 / 202 property in Minnesota. I currently have a tenant who is not living in the apartment but is paying the rent and still receiving subsidy. What are my rights and obligations as landlord?
01/30/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Minnesota | #15108What can I do if I believe I am being discriminated against by being paid less than my peers?
I have been an Air Force JROTC instructor for the past 10 years and I hold an Educator License for MS with a class rating of AA 499. I am a retired Lt.Col and I have two non commissioned officers under me to run our program. All 3 of us have a contract addendum-at will agreement that states 'In addition to the 187 day standard contract, you are hereby issued this addendum to co...
01/30/2009 | Category: Employment | State: Mississippi | #15107Can the married man I had an affair with take me to court for a paternity test?
I am pregnant and I am afraid of the father of my child, but on the basis of emotional abuse. I want nothing to do with him. More importantly, I feel it is in the child's best interest that he have nothing to do with us. I want nothing from this man. This is a married man with whom I had sex once. He is obsessed with me. He will not leave me alone. He wants to be acknowledged a...
01/30/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: New Jersey | #15105