Legal Questions and Answers
Can a contractor file a lien against a government building for materials ordered by their civilian purchasing company.
Can a contractor file a lien against a government building for materials ordered by their civilian purchasing company.
09/26/2007 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Florida | #9105What is the classification of Domestic Battery in Florida?
What is the classification of Domestic Battery in Florida? Is it considered a felony or misdemeanor?
09/26/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: New Jersey | #9099What is the right of the tenant to view all records/bills pertaining to maintenance charges?
The right of the tenant to view all records/bills pertaining to common area maintenance charges. Can a lease be amended after it has been signed by all parties?
09/26/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #9097My husband and I raised our granddaughter from birth to age 15 and she now lives with her biological mother in another state....
My husband and I raised our granddaughter from birth to age 15 and she now lives with her biological mother in another state. We legally adopted her but would now like to have her biological mother be responsible for her. Can an adoption be undone? We really can't afford a whole big expensive thing here, but would like to not be responsible for a teenager who lives in another ...
09/26/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: Missouri | #9092I had a verbal agreement with the owner of the company that in 2007 I would get 5 sick days and 10 vacation days with pay. He...
I had a verbal agreement with the owner of the company that in 2007 I would get 5 sick days and 10 vacation days with pay. He is now trying to use Memorial Day, July 4, and Labor Day as "vacation days", when in fact the entire company was closed on those days. What recourse do I have?
09/26/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Indiana | #9091Who can read a will after someones death?
Who can read a will after someones death. My aunt passed away a few months ago. According to her, I would be inheriting her stuff, but I have not been contacted by the attorney. Do I have a right to view the will, and if so, where would I find it?
09/26/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Texas | #9089I am a Green Card holder from 1997. Recently I went to India and returned back after 180 days absence. Whether absence of 1...
I am a Green Card holder from 1997. Recently I went to India and returned back after 180 days absence. Whether absence of 180 ( 6 months) breaks the period of continuous residence for the purposes of counting the period of continuous for applying for citizenship. I think the absence of more than 6 months alone ( absence of more than 6 months) alone causes break in the per...
09/26/2007 | Category: Immigration | State: Illinois | #9079What can I do to force my relative to pay me money that he owes me?
I got an apartment in my name and let a relative live there a year ago. The relative ended up getting evicted. He agreed to pay the ending cost the landlord requested. He hasn't given me the money for that so I can get the eviction off my name. I can't get an apartment or house in my name. He let me live with him being that I don't have a home to go to. His girlfriend decided ...
09/26/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: South Carolina | #9073Once legally separated is dating permitted?
I live in the state of IL and have two children under 18. I have been married for over 20 years. My wife never worked outside the home during our marriage while raising 4 children. If legally separated can I date? I have no issues with paying support, and will continue financial care for the children. My main question is once legally separated is dating permitted or can...
09/26/2007 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: ALL | #9069What is the residency requirement in Washington state to file for a divorce?
How do I become a legal resident of WA? Is there a 6 month period before I can file? What do I need to do during that 6 months?
09/25/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Washington | #9068