Legal Questions and Answers
What is "Theft Third Degree"?
What is "Theft Third Degree"? I pled guilty to this in the state of Washington. Was I convicted of a crime? If so, is it a misdeanor or a felony? I'm applying for a job as a Secretary with a local police department here in Richmond, Virginia and if its a felony, I need to know. This occurred 10 years ago.
09/25/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Virginia | #9050What is the penalty for conspiracy?
What is the penalty for conspiracy?
09/25/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: ALL | #9047If I am a minor can I make a will to leave my possessions to someone other than my parents?
I am a minor, and I wish to make a will. I do not worry that I will die soon, I just live in a dangerous neighborhood and I would like to leave all my savings to persons other than my parents. If I make my own will, is it legal? And will my opinions be taken seriously?
09/25/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: ALL | #9043What can I do if I was threatened at work by someone who wants to fight me?
I have a co worker that challenged me to a fight at work. I said no. He said he would get me later. Should I report this to the police as a threat?
09/25/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Colorado | #9042Can I file a claim for child support against my ex-spouse's estate 33 years after the fact?
Can an ex-spouse file a claim against her ex-husbands estate for unpaid child support 33 years after the youngest child was a minor? The children in question are now 47 & 50 years of age.
09/25/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: ALL | #9034What is the legal definition of self sufficient?
What is meant by child support must be paid until child reaches the age of 18 and is working full time and is self sufficient? What exactly is meant by self sufficient?
09/25/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: New York | #9031What is considered "contesting" if a will have a no contest clause?
My Step-father Died. He has 2 daughters. His will has a no-contest clause in it. The daughters are doing everything possible to to get more than what is left to them as stated by the will. When is it classified as "contesting"?
09/25/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Arizona | #9030How do I get my son's name spelled right on his birth certificate?
How do I get my son's name spelled right on his birth certificate?
09/25/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Georgia | #9028Can the harvey waiver be used in Gerogia?
Can the harvey waiver be used in Gerogia? If not, what Georgia law is like the harvey waiver that is used in Georgia?
09/24/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: ALL | #9021Does guardianship have to be appointed by the courts to be legal?
I downloaded a form to give temporary guardianship of my child to my parents. Must guardianship be appointed by the courts to be legal? Is the form I downloaded a legally binding document?
09/24/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Colorado | #9019