Legal Questions and Answers
If I am pregnant can I still move out of state if I am not with the father of the baby?
I am married to a man in WA and want to move there to be with him. I am pregnant by a man in Pennsylvania. He doesn't want the baby, has said so, but will file for custody after the baby is born just to spite me and look "good" in front of his family. Is there anyway for me to make this move and keep my child? If I move before the child is born what is the chances they will mak...
09/25/2007 | Category: Paternity | State: Pennsylvania | #9067When did the legal custody of our adopted daughter begin?
The state gave My wife and I permission to bring a 3 year old child whom we wanted to adopt into our home in March 2006. We provided medical care, enrolled her in kindergarden and took her to church. In September of 2007 the adoption was final and we were issued a birth certificate showing that she was our daughter. My question is this. When did the legal custody begin? Wh...
09/25/2007 | Category: Adoption | State: ALL | #9066After two years of not living with my husband is that considered a legal separation?
After two years of not living with my husband is that considered a legal separation?
09/25/2007 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Wisconsin | #9065What are the requirements to file statutory rape charges?
I have a son who is 17 years old and up till about 4 months ago by his own admission he was a virgin. During the winter time there was a 19 year old girl who was kicked out of her sister's house and needed a place to stay. I let here spend the night. I've just learned that on this night she asked my son that after we were all asleep if he wanted her to come to his room. He did ...
09/25/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Tennessee | #9062Why do I owed money to the store if my son who is a minor was the one arrested for shoplifting?
My son was arrested for shoplifting at a department store. He is a minor. I received a letter from that department store stating that accordance with the state law, California Penal Code Statute 490.5 that I have to pay $475.00. In reading what this law states, I'm not understanding why I have to pay, the merchandise was not damaged and was recovered. The retail value of the m...
09/25/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: California | #9059What is the law on mowing land that is connected to your yard?
What is the law on mowing land that is connected to your yard? I have heard that if you do it for so long then the land becomes yours, is this true and how long?
09/25/2007 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Florida | #9058Can a non-attorney prepare a subponea for documents?
Can a non-attorney prepare a subponea for documents and if so how would they go about it?
09/25/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Indiana | #9056Is a landlord able to attach your wages without taking you to court?
After a long battle with our landlord my wife and I decided to buy a house. My wife and I had a verbal agreement with him. Our agreement was he took the security deposit for last months rent and we would pay him for the 2 weeks we lived in the apartment. He has changed his mind and now is threatened with reporting to a collection agency and wage attachment. Is he able to wage a...
09/25/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #9054What is required for landlord to terminate a month-to-month tenant lease?
Landlord needs to move into the rental due to selling their home. The renters have been paying on a month to month lease. Is a 30 days notice to leave legal?
09/25/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Ohio | #9053How long does property need to sit before its considered abandoned?
How long does property need to sit before its considered abandoned?
09/25/2007 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Georgia | #9051