Legal Questions and Answers
Who would get the home if only one spouse dies and they have children together?
If a husband and wife are married legally and has 3 kids together, there are no outside children, once the husband or wife dies are the children entilted to half the house that belonged to the deceased?
09/24/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #8987Can I decide who I want to live with if I am 15 years old?
If your parents are thinking about divorce, and one thinking of also leaving the state, as a 15 year old teen can you decide on which parent you want to stay with?
09/24/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Wyoming | #8986I have a unrecorded deed from 1976, I want to know how to record it, costs involved, what are the ramifications of this not b...
I have a unrecorded deed from 1976, I want to know how to record it, costs involved, what are the ramifications of this not being recorded and lastly if I am looking to sell the property should I get the deed recorded?
09/24/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #8983Are Conjugal Rights enforceable?
Are Conjugal Rights enforceable? If you are denied them, is there relief or remedy?
09/24/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Illinois | #8980Am I entitled to my vacation pay if I quit my job?
I work for a company that is trying to make me quit my job. If I quit, do I get my vacation pay? I'm up for my 2 week vacation now.
09/24/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #8975Do I still owe my ex for equity I paid to her at the time of divorce if she never cashed the check?
In a divorce 3 years ago I wrote my ex a check for pay-off of equity on our house that I kept. She never cashed the check. Since then I have closed that account . I received a letter from her this week saying she wanted her money. Is there a staute on how long she can keep a check and never cash it. Doesn't it become void after a certain period of time?
09/23/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Louisiana | #8974Does a DUI conviction have an adverse affect on Legal Residency status?
Does a DUI conviction have an adverse affect on Legal Residency status?
09/23/2007 | Category: Citizenship | State: Arizona | #8973Is it legal for a business to be sold when the business owes back taxes to the government and this is not disclosed to the bu...
Is it legal for a business to be sold when the business owes back taxes to the government and this is not disclosed to the buyer of the business?
09/23/2007 | Category: Corporations | State: Florida | #8957What can happen to me if my daughter who is a minor left home because she can not follow the rules?
I have a minor child(17) that refuses to live in my home. She will not allow me to do my job as a parent by following the rules of my home. I have lost control of her. I will not compromise with the simple rules of the home. She cannot live with these rules so she packed up and left. She is not missing, she is not homeless, I did not kick her out, and she is welcome back at a...
09/23/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Maine | #8949Is it illegal for a 22 year old to have sex with a 17 year old in NY?
Is it illegal for a 22 year old to have sex with a 17 year old in NY?
09/22/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: New York | #8948