Legal Questions and Answers
Is it legal for a landlord to require 90 days' notice to terminate an apartment rental agreement?
Is it legal for a landlord to require 90 days' notice to terminate an apartment rental agreement? I have lived in the apartment for two years; the first year was one a one-year lease, but then it converted to a month-to-month arrangement.
08/15/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #7972when is a disclosure legal and when is it null?
I was in the process of purchasing a townhouse in Washington State. I had given them my earnest money, and things were proceeding smoothly. The owner presented me with a disclosure on the siding of the home. The siding was involved in a class action suit, and they gave me a disclosure asking me if this was OK, or not OK. I said it was not OK, since the siding is bad on the ...
08/15/2007 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Oregon | #7966Am I responsible for deceased spouse's credit card debt?
My husband died. I have 2 companies calling for me to pay off debt. One is a CC that is only in his name. One is a loan that is only in his name. I have been told that because my name is not on these documents, that I am not responsible. Both have admitted that my name is not on the papers.
08/15/2007 | Category: Husband and ... » Duty to Supp... | State: North Carolina | #7965What are my rights as a mother to be if i am in the middle of a divorce?
What are my rights as a mother to be if i am in the middle of a divorce and my boyfriend is the father of my child? Can he put is name on the birth certificate? could my husband try to claim the baby if we are stilled married at the time of the birth? also if i am pregnant does this effect the judgment of custody of my one year old son?
08/15/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Michigan | #7964Is there anything that can be done legally to get paid for work done on a motorcycle?
I have a shop where I do side work. It is not a business and I don't have a business license, but I have a motorcycle that has been finished for 3 months now and the owner has no money to pay me. Is there anything I can do legally to get him to pay for the work I have done.
08/15/2007 | Category: Liens » Vehicles | State: Georgia | #7961My father is on Social Security and Medicaid. He is currently paying a mortgage and his name is the only name on the mortgage...
My father is on Social Security and Medicaid. He is currently paying a mortgage and his name is the only name on the mortgage. If my name along with my brother's names are added to the mortgage, if in the future my dad or either one of us has a medical problem that has high medical bills, can someone take the home from all 3 of us to pay the bills of one of us?
08/15/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Pennsylvania | #7960What is the maximum age of children requiring supervision by a baby sitter?
What is the maximum age of children requiring supervision by a baby sitter?
08/15/2007 | Category: Minors | State: California | #7957Can they take the house or only one third its value if Father goes into long term care?
Currently my fathers name is the only name on the mortgage {the house is not payed off yet}. If me and my brother get our names added to the mortgage, and sometime down the road our father goes into long-term care and needs money to pay medical bills, can they take the house or only one third its value?
08/15/2007 | Category: Elderly | State: Pennsylvania | #7954Can a will be signed with just initials?
Can a will be signed with just initials?
08/14/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Execution | State: Washington | #7943What is post-petition on a Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding? The statement states that from x month to x month the account i...
What is post-petition on a Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding? The statement states that from x month to x month the account is currently post-petition due.
08/14/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Massachusetts | #7942