Legal Questions and Answers
Once I have my mother's name removed from my credit cards can I then file bankruptcy?
My mother helped me consolidate debt a few years ago, giving me access to 2 credit cards with higher limits than I was able to get in order to get a better interest rate. We thought this would help, but it seems I have no choice but to file bankruptcy (I have tried credit counseling as well). I have filed the paperwork to take my mother's name off of the account, so I am the ...
08/13/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Indiana | #7919Can a minor in California be in a partnership with a non-minor?
Can a minor in California be in a partnership with a non-minor?
08/13/2007 | Category: Partnerships | State: California | #7915What is the best way for my mother to will her estate to my youngest sibling without paying taxes?
My parents never wanted to have a will. My father passed away last month and now my mother wants to have my youngest sibling to be the sole heir of their property which consists of 80 acres zoned Exclusive Farm Use which is my parents house and the house my youngest sibling lives in with her family. My mother seems to think that all of this will be free to the sibling. We ar...
08/13/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Oregon | #7911Is my ex-boyfriend entitled to money back that he put into my house while living there?
My boyfriend at the time a year and half ago put money into my house that only I own, only my name on everthing. We now split up and I asked him to move out. He has not paid me for rent to live there for 3 years. Now he claims I need to pay him $50,000. I gave him about $10,000 already. There is maybe about $30,000 - $35,000 worth of receipts of supplies that were purchase...
08/13/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: ALL | #7904I was charged with possession of marijuana. However the police found a pipe on me and absoultley no marijuana. Is this a lig...
I was charged with possession of marijuana. However the police found a pipe on me and absoultley no marijuana. Is this a ligit charge?
08/13/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: West Virginia | #7902Is it embezzlement by one partner if he is using company funds to pay personal expenses?
In a corporation where the partners are 50/50 owners - is it embezzlement by one partner if he is using company funds to pay personal expenses instead of the company issuing a check as repayment of loan? Does he have the right to spend company money however he pleases just because he loaned the company money?
08/13/2007 | Category: Criminal » Embezzlement | State: Florida | #7901I am a 17 year old female and turn18 in December. I currently live at home, and my family has a lot of problems. I have a jo...
I am a 17 year old female and turn18 in December. I currently live at home, and my family has a lot of problems. I have a job, and believe that I would be able to support myself if need be. What would it take for me to be emancipated from my family?
08/13/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Wisconsin | #7899Should I be compensated for the change in job responsibility and effort that I now am faced with?
I was hired in the private sector to monitor and supervise facilities where college students reside. I agreed to the $9.75 hourly rate upon accepting employment with the understanding that there would be adequate staff coverage during my 12 a.m.-9 a.m. shift. One the original staff members resigned shortly after I began employment, which left the burden on me to monitor/super...
08/13/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Delaware | #7896My mom owns the condominium I live in and I have power of attorney. Does that give me the right to run for a spot on the board?
My mom owns the condominium I live in and I have power of attorney. Does that give me the right to run for a spot on the board?
08/12/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: ALL | #7891Is there a law that prohibits a cashier from handling and serving food in a convenience store?
Is there a law that prohibits a cashier from handling and serving food in a convenience store?
08/12/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Alabama | #7878