Legal Questions and Answers
I recently was selected to serve as a juror on a DUI case. I was the next to last person selected (the last woman). A man wa...
I recently was selected to serve as a juror on a DUI case. I was the next to last person selected (the last woman). A man was the last selected and was the alternate. While sitting in the jury room waiting for the trial to begin, the bailiff came in and told me that I had been released from serving and that I had to leave. After reading the disposition of the case, I saw tha...
08/11/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Mississippi | #7874What is the difference between an order of protection and a no contact order?
What is the difference between an order of protection and a no contact order?
08/11/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Illinois | #7871What are my options/rights, if after renting a self storage unit, the unit auctions my property?
What are my options/rights, if after renting a self storage unit, that after not making a payment for 3 months, the owner decided to auction off contents to get paid back for non payment, that they still are required to make a stern effort at contacting owner of contents before holding or taking any options to sell off unit items to recoup what was owed.? The owner can only get...
08/11/2007 | Category: Storage | State: Michigan | #7870My husband and I are having difficulties. He comes home only some of the time. Can I claim desertion and keep him out even t...
My husband and I are having difficulties. He comes home only some of the time. Can I claim desertion and keep him out even though he has everything in his name?
08/11/2007 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Florida | #7863Is there a limit as to as to a security deposit in Florida?
Is there a limit as to as to a deposit in Florida? i was under the impression that it was "First & Last" months rent or"First & Security". Not all three(First, Last & Security)
08/10/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Florida | #7842My husband is 64, retired and an alcoholic. I would like to know if my home is deeded over to me alone will it be protected ...
My husband is 64, retired and an alcoholic. I would like to know if my home is deeded over to me alone will it be protected from any lawsuits that may be brought against him? He continues to drive while under the influence and I am greatly concerned about losing everything due to his actions.
08/10/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: New Jersey | #7840What is the age of majority for a child to leave a parents home?
What is the age of majority for a child to leave a parents home without legal consent and the parents not be responsible? For an example, a 16 year old person wants to leave their parents home, are the parents responsible for the child's actions?
08/08/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Minnesota | #7817Does your Power of Attorney for home sale need to be recorded?
My wife and I are selling our home in MARYLAND end of this month. She will not be able to be there because of work. Does your Power of Attorney for home sale need to be recorded with MARYLAND before settlement or is this something the settlement attorney completes?
08/08/2007 | Category: Power of Att... » Real Estate | State: Florida | #7803What can I do to get deposit back from landlord if no contract was signed?
My girlfriend rented a apartment and payed a deposit and first months rent. She has lived there for 6 months, and now has found a cheaper apartment. The landlord say he will not give her the deposit back because she didn't live there longer than 12 months. There was no contract between them. The only thing he asked her before she moved in is if she was going to be living there ...
08/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Tennessee | #7796Is it leagal for a homeowner to sell their home while a tenant is under a year contract?
Is it legal for a homeowner to sell their home while a tenant is under a year contract?
08/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Washington | #7793