Legal Questions and Answers
Are the items left on the property I bought mine?
I bought some acreage in the county a year ago. The deed is free and clear. There are no leases or other liens on the property. The property had some unlocked sheds with junk items in them and some other pipes, batteries, tires, etc., lying about the yard. I removed some of this stuff I considered trash and now an individual is threatening to file theft charges for my disposin...
08/14/2007 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Texas | #7938Who made the laws so difficult for the state of texas when it comes to minors being able to leave home?
My question is who made the laws so difficult for the state of Texas when it comes to minors being able to leave home at 17 years of age but are not actually legal to buy a car, sign a lease or any other adult activities, please explain because I want these laws changed to benefit the parents and not be held in limbo for one year, how long has this been legal in texas ?
08/14/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Texas | #7937Would my friend's neighbor owning a pit bull and selling drugs be reason to terminate her lease?
A friend who live's in an apartment complex is interested in terminating her lease early. A suspected drug dealer has moved in next door and has recently acquired a pit bull. My friend has a four-year-old child and is concerned for the child's safety and the general safety of her family. Does she have any grounds for breaking her lease early? How should she go about addressing ...
08/14/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Georgia | #7931What is the statue of limitations for a landlord to collect back rent?
What is the statue of limitations for a landlord to collect back rent, when the people are still living at the address in question, and have not ever been served with any eviction notices??
08/14/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Wisconsin | #7930Explain the subject matter jurisdiction of federal courts
Explain the subject matter jurisdiction of federal courts
08/14/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Florida | #7926At what point should a doctor provide a patient with the HIPAA Act?
At what point during the course of treatment of a new patient should notice of use and disclosure of health information, required under HIPAA, be given and why?
08/14/2007 | Category: Civil Rights » Privacy | State: Florida | #7925Explain the subject matter jurisdiction of federal courts
Explain the subject matter jurisdiction of federal courts
08/14/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Florida | #7924What is the legal definition for an above ground pool?
My deed has a restriction that says no above ground pools. I put a pool in that is 1/2 in the ground and 1/2 out of the ground. What is the legal definition for above ground pool?
08/13/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Pennsylvania | #7922What are my rights to my children if I only have temporary custody without going to court?
I fled from an abusive husband with our two children, ages 4 and 12. We went to a womans shelter and he went to state prison. After the womans shelter we were homeless in our car for two months. With no family support I phoned a couple who lives in Washington state just to vent. This couple had adopted a child my husband and I had almost eighteen years ago. We've always stayed ...
08/13/2007 | Category: Paternity » Parental Rig... | State: California | #7921How is custody of a newborn decided if the parents are divorcing?
A mother has a child abuse charge from having marijuana in her system at the time of delivery, and the father has domestic violence charges from beating up his wife. They both want custody of the 2 month old baby. They are not divorced yet. Neither have a job. The baby is allergic to many things and must be on special formula. Who would most likely get custody of the baby? How ...
08/13/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Colorado | #7920