Legal Questions and Answers
What are the fees for an executor and a lawyer assisting on a will?
I was wondering what the fees were for both an executor of a will and the lawyers fee for assisting with the executorship of the same will?
06/04/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Iowa | #6161I am not renewing the lease to sell and the tenant is not making provison to move. What can I do?
My tenents lease is up on the 15th of June. She was given Verbal notice in April that the lease would not be renewed (I am selling the house). She only paid Half of th May/June Rent. Won't return phone calls, shows no sign of getting ready to move. What are my options if she says she can not be out. She has 4 kids. I'm sympathetic but need to get house on market with out he...
06/04/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: South Carolina | #6158Is my lease still valid since the property was not ready when the lease stated it would be?
I am a single mom of a three-year old, hearing imapired child. I signed a lease in mid-May on a duplex and prepaid my June rent; the 12-month lease, and my tenancy, was to start on June 1st. The previous tenant has not completely vacated (it's now the 4th). I now have a key, but so does the previous tenant. The unit has not been cleaned nor have the needed repairs been done...
06/04/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #6156I had a judgment filed against me for over $9000. What should I do?
I had a judgment filed against me for over $9000 last spring I believe. First of all, I never received anything in the mail or in person regarding the summons but I was told that they could serve me by mail. They put a hold on the bank account I had at the time, which had nothing in it. I called to try to make some sort of arrangements but they wanted me to come up with like $4...
06/04/2007 | Category: Judgments | State: New York | #6154Where does my daughter need to file for divorce?
My daughter is married to a man in the military stationed in North Carolina. She is seeking a separation and divorce. She is moving with minor children to California to live with relatives. Does she have to file separation in North Carolina or can she file here in California?
06/04/2007 | Category: Divorce » Grounds | State: California | #6150Can I charge the estate for my out of pocket expenses?
If I am the executor of the estate and I have paid the deceased bills out of my pocket can I charge the estate for my out of pocket expenses? If so what can I include and/or exclude?
06/04/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Virginia | #6149What are my options for terminating a lease due to health concerns?
I am currently in a one year lease agreement and due to sudden health problems I have not been able to pursue the job position anymore that will allow me to be able to pay my current rent. My finances are in a place that I can't afford the rent anymore. I need to get out of the lease and don't know where I stand in terms of legal action that can be taken if I leave my current l...
06/03/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: North Carolina | #6136Can I evict tenants since first rent check was insufficent funds?
Tenant 1st check was NSF. Account closed. They tell me every day we are trying to get you money. They have been living there for 2 days only. What should I do? Can I get them out of there? If yes, what should I do? Where should I go to do so?
06/03/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #6130What is judicial release and how can I file for one?
What is judicial release and how can I file for one?
06/02/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Ohio | #6124Can I file my legal separation papers or does an attorney have to?
If my husband and I come to agreement and fill out the legal separation documents downloaded on line, do I have to have an attorney to file it with court or can I do it myself?
06/02/2007 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Arizona | #6123