Legal Questions and Answers
What are the laws regarding runaways in Florida?
I have 2 questions. First off, what are the laws regarding runaways in Florida? I hear it is not illegal to run away and that was told to me by a police Sargent. Secondly, my 16 year old, has in the past left and not come home for a day or two but that was very far and in between. He has become increasingly worse and is now gone for 3 days because I am moving him back to New J...
06/07/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Florida | #6234WHAT IS THE OLDEST AN EMANCIPATED 16 YEAR OLD CAN DATE?
06/06/2007 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Mississippi | #6229Would my assets be in jeopardy if my husband had to go into a nursing home?
If I have a legal prenuptial agreement prior to marriage, which indicates that my assets are mine solely after we marry, would my assets be in jeopardy if my future husband had to go into a nursing home?
06/06/2007 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: New York | #6220Can they place a lien or judgement against her for mothers debt?
My 82 year old Mother was in a nursing facility last fall where all fees were not paid relating to her stay. She has Medicare and BC/BS. They had ask that we file for Medicaid after her release to assist. This is unusal. We never had this occur before. Now, they are asking her to pay $9000.00 in fee for her stay and attorney's fees. They have filed a Motion for Summary Ju...
06/06/2007 | Category: Liens | State: Florida | #6218Am I legally responsible to pay the debt even though I was under age?
When I was 17 I was shopping in a department store when a sales associate asked if I would like to sign up for their credit card. I said I wish and that I'm only seventeen so I can't. She told me we could try anyway. She entered my information and I was declined. The sales associate then decided to change my birth year by one year so I would be 18. Two months after I recei...
06/06/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: New Jersey | #6214What are the qualifications/requirements to becoming a predecessor in interest?
What are the qualifications/requirements to becoming a predecessor in interest? and if you are a predecessor in interest, are you one forever or is there some way to lose that title?
06/06/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: New York | #6210Do you need a durable power of attorney for a joint bank account?
My father-in law's mental state is beginning to deteriorate due to dementia, why would my mother-in law need durable power of attorney if their bank accounts are joint? She already has a patient advocate for health.
06/06/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Michigan | #6202Is there a Kentucky statute for the executor to prepare an inventory of assets?
Is there a KY statutes # for the executor to prepare an inventory of assets? I was informed at the attorney's office, there wasn't any law that required me to have this information. I am an heir to my Mother's estate. I have never been notified of any court dates to settle her estate. This has been all hush hush from the beginning with my brother and the attorney.
06/05/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Kentucky | #6201What does Poss Listed Precusor mean?
I have a friend who is in jail and his charge is "Poss Listed Precusor" and I dont know what it means. Will you tell me what "poss listed precusor" means?
06/05/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Alabama | #6200Can a lawyer add a name as a Power of Attorney without asking?
The lawyer who drew up a Power of Attorney for my mother inserted his wife's name as the back-up, in case neither my brother nor I could function. Is this a recognized practice? If so, shouldn't he have asked first? If not, what should we do?
06/05/2007 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: New York | #6198