Legal Questions and Answers
Can I get out of a lease due to my daughters health issues?
We are renting a house and need to get out of the contract due to medical problems. We had mold in our main bathroom that they came and replaced some of the tiles. They said as long as we keep throwing bleach on it it would be fine. My daughter has sever asthma that she has been hospitalized for weeks at a time. Upon her allergy testing they said that mold was one of the highes...
06/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Arizona | #6192My husband wants to file for divorce so we won't be responsible for each others debts. Is what he's saying true?
Husband bought his own house and moved out we still see each other frequently. Better now then when we lived together. He said he's going to file for Divorce to protect both of us in case something should happen to either of us so we wouldn't be responsible for each others debts. Nothing is in both our names together. Is what he's saying true?
06/05/2007 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: New Mexico | #6190At what age is the rape of a child pedophilia and at what age does it become statutory rape?
At what age is the rape of a child pedophilia and at what age does it become statutory rape? Each state varies, I'm concerned about an event in California even though I live in Utah.
06/05/2007 | Category: Criminal » Assault | State: California | #6187What steps do I have to take in order to have children's names put on the deed?
My husband and I purchased a condo in 1992 with both ours names on the mortgage. My husband passed away in 2005. The mortgage was paid off by the insurance company and I am now in the process of trying to get a certified copy of the deed. I would like to have his name taken off the deed and have my name and the names of our four children put on. What steps do I have to take...
06/05/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: New York | #6186Is there a waiting period after I sign my divorce papers before I can remarry?
Once the divorce papers are served and signed by both parties is there a waiting period before being able to re-marry? Is it true that six months have to go or the marriage is not considered a valid marriage?
06/05/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: California | #6180Is the joint will in 1971 enforceable and the one she has dated 16 days before his death invalid in PA?
My maternal Great aunt and Uncle made a will together in 1971. The lawyer drew up one document that they each signed, had witnessed and notarized according to PA law. The will stated that when one spouse passed, the remaining spouse would get the house, etc and when that spouse passed everything (really all they have is the house) would go to my sister and I. First my Great Au...
06/05/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: New York | #6178I'm recently going through a custody battle. Is it OK to move?
I'm recently going through a custody battle, my ex-boyfriend and I. We have 50/50 Placement and custody. We both live in the same town now but i want to move about 60 miles away but in the same state. I would stay at my parents house two days of the week, and I work close by. Is it OK to move?
06/05/2007 | Category: Minors » Custody | State: Wisconsin | #6177My son is 17. He has been in and out of detention for the past 3 years. He has dropped out of school, refused to live with me...
My son is 17. He has been in and out of detention for the past 3 years. He has dropped out of school, refused to live with me (he doesn't feel the need to follow rules), currently lives with his sister, sharing rent. He wants to be emancipated now. He'll be 18 in October. He has his own vehicle, job and a 9 month old son he helps support. I have no control over his behavior. an...
06/05/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Indiana | #6172If the landlord sells the property does that terminate the lease with the tenant?
If the landlord sells the property does that terminate the lease with the tenant?
06/05/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Tennessee | #6171It states True Bill Signed 14-Sep-90. What does that mean?
If a person was charged with Carnal Know Child(REP 5/7/79) and under Disposition/Date, it states True Bill Signed 14-Sep-90 what does that mean? What type of charge is this?
06/05/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Rhode Island | #6169