Legal Questions and Answers
Why does my sister have to claim my parents income when applying for financial aid at college?
My sister is 21 years old, lives on her own, has a job, and pays all of her own bills. She still has to claim our parents income when she applies for Federal Aid for college, when they do not contribute. I was wondering how it would go for her to emanicpate herself from our parents since she is not a minor.
06/08/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Louisiana | #6269What is the prison sentence for someone who commits one act of bigamy?
What is the prison sentence for someone who commits one act of bigamy?
06/08/2007 | Category: Marriage » Unlawful | State: North Carolina | #6268Can I end my lease since the house is on the market and I am being inconvienced?
The house that I live in is owned by another tenants parents. I rent out one of the rooms upstairs. The tenant whos parents own the house takes it upon herself to come into our rooms whenever she feels and breaks virtually ever rule in the lease. Her parents have since put the house up for sale so we also have random realtors coming into the house and our rooms. They only give ...
06/08/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Florida | #6266If we are not paid for the kitchen installation can we put a lien on the property?
We are a tile installation co, worked for a company that sent us to a kitchen remodel. We did the installation, one tile was misplaced and the contractor holding more than half of payment agreed upon. If we are not paid for the installation can we put a lien on the property? Signed contract from contractor that we would be paid upon completion.
06/08/2007 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Florida | #6264I am a licensed plumber and have a contract with a general contracter to do plumbing jobs. I received a down payment to start...
I am a licensed plumber and have a contract with a general contracter to do plumbing jobs. I received a down payment to start work. After rough inspection of which I passed, I was to receive a payment of $2100.00. It has now been almost 4 months and the contracter refuses to pay. I refuse to do the last part of the contract, the finishing part, until I get paid. I would like to...
06/07/2007 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: New Jersey | #6258If a tenant fails to vacate by specified date, can the police be used to remove tenant?
If a tenant gives notice to vacate the rented premises, and fails to vacate at the specified date, can the renter be removed by the police?
06/07/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Montana | #6255When two people are co-tenants on a lease and one of them would like the other to leave what can be done?
When two people are co-tenants on a lease and one of them would like the other to leave (a relationship dispute that is bordering on domestic violence) , what can be done?
06/07/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Sublease | State: Wisconsin | #6247How do I become emancipated?
I recently visited the juvenile court website in order to find information on becoming emancipated. I am 17, I turn 18 in December, but the situation Im in makes it hard to wait until that time comes. I am currently living with my aunt, who only has temporary guardianship of me. My mom did not want me to stay with her, because we argue a lot. I know it is normal for mothers and...
06/07/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Indiana | #6245What actions and with what agency can a business in our area pursue a stopped payment check ?
What actions and with what agency can a business in our area pursue a stopped payment check ?
06/07/2007 | Category: Banking laws | State: Mississippi | #6244How would moral turpitude help in a ticket of class one misdemeanor charge of buying and selling wildlife in VA?
How would moral turpitude help in a ticket of class one misdemeanor charge of buying and selling wildlife in VA? I did not know that it was illegal to place a dead fawn on eBay for sale. I have seen others on there and thought I could do the eBay thing too.
06/07/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Virginia | #6239